Wednesday, May 20, 2020

I Like Thursday #186

It's one of my favorite times of the year - planting time!  Usually around Mother's Day or the week after, we in Colorado are in the clear to plant our flower pots and gardens, and we've been doing that this past week.

You can probably tell that we garden on a very small scale at our house, so if we get a few tomatoes or radishes, it's a celebration!   We've planted cucumbers, pumpkins, radishes, carrots, and green beans in the raised bed, and tomatoes and a pepper in the pot.

Meanwhile, the Western Tanagers have still been hanging around the feeders, and I love this picture that my DH took of one the other day.

We were surprised to see a pair of mallards hanging out in our backyard a few days ago, too!

It was so funny to see them - it's a long way from here to the closest pond!  They stayed for a few hours and then took off.

Two sweet quilty friends have sent me surprises in the mail recently!  Libby of Life on the Hill sent me some books of lettering designs for counted cross-stitch and embroidery that belonged to her MIL.  They were published by DMC and look quite old, although I couldn't find a date on them.  I had a piece of cross-stitch fabric so I decided to try some letters!

That was fun!  Thanks, Libby!

And Cynthia of Quilting is more fun than Housework sent me this fun map of Oregon in fabric!  (I think she knows that Oregon is one of our favorite places!)

Right now, this is hanging on my design wall.  I may make a mini quilt out of it - not sure yet.  Thanks,  Cyndy!

I finished up this good book earlier in the week.  I really enjoy Susan Wiggs' books!

Hope you have found some things to like this week!  Join us over at Not Afraid of Color and see what other positive people are posting about today.


  1. Your lettering is lovely! Thanks for the shout-out. The Oregon map deserves to be in a mini.

  2. I always love seeing the bird shots your DH is able to shoot. I will have to look for that Susan Wiggs book in the used store some day.

  3. the weeks fly by - Thursday already! glad you can safely plant now and enjoy that - it is always fun to me to see the plants growing -- I just love that bird

  4. We had a freeze the other night, in central Indiana!! We have barely seen days over 60 and it's almost June. Crazy year we're having.

  5. flowers! did you venture out to a garden center? How brave... I sure like the embroidery. How's Mike doing? Are you both out watching birds in the mornings too?

  6. What a beautiful bird! I don't think I've ever seen a Western Tangier, but now I'll keep an eye out for it.

  7. I like all the things you shared in today's post, Diann. Best of all, the sun shining in your garden!!! We are having ANOTHER day of rain (our fourth.) I'm glad for the FREE water for my flowers, but it's getting a but soggy it there!

  8. Lovely yellow and orange little bird! your stitches are beautiful.

  9. Hi Diann! That first picture of a pot full of joy is just wonderful. I hope to begin planting some annuals this weekend. I don't really enjoy doing it but I do enjoy the end result! That shot of the Western Tanagers is just fab! DH did a great job. Thanks for the book suggestion. {{Hugs}} a bunch for you. ~smile~ Roseanne

  10. So many pretty’s. There’s nothing better than home grown tomatoes. Cool lettering there. Yay- a Susan Wiggs book- I’m gonna see if my library carries it. thanks.

  11. Wow! That Tanager is gorgeous! I know you were thrilled to see it! I would have been too!

  12. It is a great time when we can plant flowers in the jars. I did too. What a beautiful bird visiting your bird feeder.
    I love your wonderful map fabric. :-)

  13. We just finished planting our flowers and a few herbs today. It's been a perfect day for it. The orioles are back, but I haven't seen them yet. That tanager is a gorgeous fellow! I'll have to put that book on my list. I have a stack! What fun mail!

  14. Neat fabric from Oregon. Love your pots. What a neat gift the old cross stitch lettering book. The picture of the Tanager is awesome.

  15. That looks about the size of my garden. I'm looking forward to whatever I get. Love that Tanager. A Scarlet Tanager crossed my path the other day. :-) Nice cross stitching.

  16. I'm dying to read that book. It sounds like you enjoyed it! Your cross stitching is beautiful. Love your flowers too!

  17. Yeh that it is warm enough for you to plant! I love your Oregon piece, you definitely should make that a wall hanging! Your cross stitch is lovely and such nice lettering! We don't have Tanagers here, I love how colorful they are! Have a wonderful holiday weekend Diann!

  18. I think I see a cross-stitch sampler in your future! Along with some beautiful flowers and veggies!

  19. We are hoping to get in some good yard time this weekend between rainstorms. It's a holiday weekend, so of course it rains. You've got some beautiful things going in the yard. Enjoy the bird watching this spring.

  20. Hi Diann, lovely likes here. I have yet to see a Tanager but they are around here as my amateur Ontario bird group post lots of photos. That's a nice one to capture. Both those gifts are special and I'm thrilled you gave cross stitching a try. It is a wonderful needle art as well. I am planting as well with our Victoria holiday weekend as the marker which celebrates Queen Victoria's birthday May 25. It is fun to have some things to watch grow and especially if you can eat them!!

  21. I hope you are able to visit Oregon again soon. It has been such a lovely spring here!
