Friday, April 3, 2020

Super Scrappy

It turns out, with my husband in the hospital Thursday and Friday for some surgery***, I had some time to work on this little baby quilt full of crumb blocks I made throughout 2019.

Here's what you do while waiting for news about that husband -

Binding to sew on, cup of coffee, tablet streaming NCIS on Netflix, and phone at the ready for a text or video chat.

More cute cats to add to my cats on fabric collection!

These guys just make me smile!  And they make the perfect backing for this scrappy quilt.

And to celebrate a new color for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge for the month of April, here's the light blue block in Super Scrappy Baby!

Hand stitching the binding will be my slow stitching project for the weekend!

Linking up at SoScrappy for ScrapHappy Saturday,
and Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching.

***And thank you, to everyone, for your kind thoughts for my hubby!  He is doing great, and even came home a day earlier than expected.  I'm so glad to have him home!***


  1. Fantastic news and what a relief for you! Glad he's home. That's the best place for recovery. Let's hope he's up & about shortly! The baby quilt is adorable. Those Scrappy Crumbs are certainly cheerful and I LOVE(!) that kitty fabric! Hope to look for some of that at my LQS! Have a great weekend!

  2. I'm so excited for you. That must be a vast relief, to have him doing well AND be home early! I hope he is soon back to the golfing, picnicking and walking you showed in your last post. :)
    The crumb block is so cute! I really really need to try those. What is the smallest width size crumb you used?

  3. GREAT news about your husband! Praying that the surgery came out as everyone expected/hoped for. Cute scrappy baby quilt. I'll work with strings, but haven't done a lot with crumbs.

  4. Wonderful news on his early release from hospital--you must be so glad to have him home...hope recovery is speedy...
    Loving the blues crumb block and adorable cat fabric...
    ~ ~ ~ Waving from Julierose

  5. so glad Mike was able to leave the hospital early! not good if you had planned on repainting a room or something while he was gone and hadn't finished lol but good! I'm sure hospitals are trying to get patients in and out as fast as they can these days

  6. Awesome news about Mike!! Enjoy your slow stitching on that baby quilt. It turned out SEW super sweet!

  7. Wonderful news about your guy.
    LOVE the cat fabric. So happy and FUN.

  8. So glad things went well and he is home early.

  9. Great news! hope the recovery is quick and complete!
    Enjoy your binding!

  10. Oh, Diann, I had no idea about your husband. Of course, I'll pray for the both of you as I know it is just as hard on you. The uncertainty of a situation is always so stressful. I'm happy that you are together again.
    I love your little quilt with crumb blocks. I might have to "steal" this idea as I have a lot of crumb blocks made. Thanks for the inspiration. Stay strong. We are here for you. ;^)

  11. Fabulous news.your crumb quilt is cute and love the cat fabric

  12. You have been in my thoughts all week. I knew about Mike's impending surgery from your comments on Cathy's blog posts about Bruce, but I shamefully neglected to send you a note. What a relief that he's home early and with a good prognosis so far. And congratulations to you for remaining calm enough to actually get some quilting done. You and Mike are now on my ever-lengthening list of people being sent positive vibes and lots of prayers.

  13. So glad you’ve got Mike home and that everything went so well. xo Great (almost) finish! That cat fabric is the bomb!

  14. So good to hear that Mike is home! What a great way to begin a weekend :-) Love that cat fabric - it is purrfect for that little scrappy quilt!

  15. Glad to hear that your hubby is home and doing well! I am just in love with that scrappy baby quilt! Well done on the backing too! As Wendy days, “ purrfect “!!

  16. So glad your news is good! And I love those crumbs of yours!

  17. Just love your baby crumb quilt, and the cat back fabric is purrfect!

  18. You must be so thankful your husband is back home with you and recovering. That is good news. It sounds as if you filled in all that waiting time brilliantly. Cute baby quilt and such a variety of pretty crumbs. The kitty fabric is fun, isn't it.

  19. What a lovely little baby quilt!! I'm so glad you were able to get this one together! Your set-up looks perfect for waiting or these days the normal way to spend an afternoon!

  20. Hope you'll update the progress and that all is going well with hubby's recovery.
    Enjoy your binding!

  21. What a great little quilt! So happy hubby is home and doing well. Love your stitching set up, by the way.

  22. Great news about your hubby! I'm so glad for both of you. Your baby quilt is fabulous, colorful and modern and cheerful. We all need some cheerful right now.

  23. Glad your hubby is home and well.

    Love the cat backing fabric - i'm such a cat person. :-D

  24. Love that Cat fabric. Glad your husband is doing well!

  25. Sorry to read about Mike's diagnoses and surgery, Diann. Praying he recovers fully. The baby quilt in the meantime is so colorful and fun!

  26. Oh, I love this little scrappy rainbow piece! I'm sure it led to the pot of gold good news about your husband :)

  27. Hallelujah!!! So glad to hear he is home. And such a cute mini!

  28. I bet the binding helped to keep your worry down. Happy to the DH made it home and is healing. Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

  29. Oh such a sweet quilt! I bet that was weird to wait at home rather than in the hospital - but so glad he is doing better!! But those cats.... too cute!!

  30. Woohoo! I’m so glad all was well.
