Monday, January 6, 2020

To-Do Tuesday #19

Good morning, friends!  Hope your week (and year) are getting off to a good start!  It looks like I achieved everything on last week's to-do list, and that's a good feeling.

On last week's list:
  • Take down and put away all the Christmas decorations.  ✔  I miss having the lights of the tree to light up the dark nights, but like having everything cleaned up, too.  On to Spring!  (If only!)
  • Inventory my Works in Progress and write up a post about them. ✔  You can read that post HERE.
  • Finish up a little quilty snowman squirrel that I had put away for too long! ✔

This is Vicki's pattern, Through the Window.  I won the pattern in a giveaway she had way last winter.  Vicki's tablerunner has three snowmen, but I wanted to make it for the little chest that sits by our front door, so I just made one of them and finished him off so he would fit right on top.


This week's To-Do list:

1.  Add the two inch gray borders to my Tiny Tuesday quilt top and get it ready for quilting.

I have everything I need to work on this, so no reason not to, right?!  :)

2.  Practice some hand applique.  I've been wanting to learn this for several years, so I decided it's time to give it a shot.  I'm going to applique some simple hearts for a tablerunner.   

I prepped my heart with freezer paper and starch - with the freezer paper template ironed to the right side of the fabric, but the starch helping me to turn the seam allowance to the wrong side.

Here's my first heart ready to stitch down!

3.  I need to read the book for my upcoming book club discussion.  The book is The Christmas Train by David Baldacci.  I already like it, so it won't be a chore - just have to keep up with it as the week goes on!

Sharing my to-do list over at Home Sewn by Us for To-Do Tuesday!


  1. That snowman is way too cute! Snowpeople are the only way I like to see snow except for on Christmas cards & on Christmas Eve (then it needs to be gone by sundown on Christmas night - which usually happens only in my dreams lol ). I like applique' but doing it by hand is just not my thing; I know it's yours and you'll do a great job on it. I'll enjoy seeing the project you use the hearts on. :)

  2. Oh Diann that makes my heart go pitter-patter seeing that you got your snowman topper done. He looks great on your little cabinet 🥰

  3. What a cute snowman! Your heart is looking great - they are a fun one to applique.

  4. Hi Diann! Oh, I loved the Christmas Train book - I love that author as well. And you are giving turned-edge appliqué a try! I think you will enjoy that, and I always enjoy a quilt made with hearts. They are happy looking - who can't smile at them?! That snowman runner looks just perfect on that chest. There's another face that I would smile at each time I saw it. Finally, Tiny Tuesday is just about wrapped up - you may as well get 'er done. Thanks for linking up again and don't forget about the January block. Can't wait to see what you choose. ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. I think The Christmas Train is one that I have been saying I should read but I don't remember it off hand so I bet I didn't! I need to look it up on the library's page and see if they have it.

  6. I have the full runner of snowmen on my table now! It stays there until Feb when the Valentine's come out. Hopefully we won't get anymore snow to make real ones!!

  7. That little snowman is so darn cute! You have some fun projects and reading ahead!

  8. Cute little snowman tablerunner. I love applique and hope you end up enjoying it also.

  9. Hi Diann. I love your Snowman Table Topper. And I had never seen your Tiny Tuesday quilt before. It’s just lovely, and the grey border totally sets off those blocks. Take care, Mary.

  10. I especially like seeing your Tiny Tuesday quilt, Diann. A real work of art. Meanwhile, you will love applique and hearts are going to be timely very soon!

  11. You have done well with your RSC and TT projects this year! The Christmas Train is a fabulous story, you'll love the ending.

  12. Kudos to trying applique - I've had "fear of applique" for a long time! Love your little snowman mat.

  13. Great finish on the Snowman! Love him! You're going to enjoy hand's so relaxing!

  14. Love the Snowman Table Topper! Hope you've been able to check off all the items from this week's list too.
