Monday, November 18, 2019

To-Do Tuesday #13

Happy Tuesday!  How's your week going?  I'm trying to get myself off to a good start with another edition of my weekly To-Do list.

Last week's list included making progress on my two main Rainbow Scrap Challenge projects.

1.  The Tiny Tuesday blocks are off the design wall, in piles for each row, and sewing them together has started.

2.  Make progress on the Scrappy Sprouts, including cutting lots of 2.5 inch squares for the sky.  Yes, progress has been made, even more since this picture was taken!

3.  Work on my project for a December blog hop.  Yes, did that!  I won't share a picture of that project, but playing with the Christmas scraps did lead to a little squirrel that has been fun.  More about this Tiny Christmas Runner here.

4.  Roast a turkey!  ✔  All done, cleaned up, and put away, although no photos were taken.  Leftovers are packaged up to take along on our annual Thanksgiving road trip to see our kids.  I did make some yummy turkey soup for Mike and me to enjoy this week!

So what's on this week's list?  More of the same in the sewing room, with one addition.

1.  Continue to make progress on the RSC projects.

2.  Finish up the blog hop project - it's a small one so that should be doable.

3.  I still have one fall/Thanksgiving project to finish up.  This tablerunner is all pieced, just needs quilting and binding.  I really *ought* to be able to finish this before Thanksgiving, right?!  :)

This design is based on Carole's pattern for fall placemats at From My Carolina Home.  I decided to turn two placemats into one tablerunner. 

4.  Around the house this week - I need to dust!  Is that anyone's favorite housework task?  Definitely not mine!  But if I write down that I will do it, I'll have to hold myself to it!  (wink!)

Thanks go to Roseanne at Home Sewn by Us for hosting the To-Do Tuesday link-up.  I'll be sharing over there!


  1. As for making a note to yourself to dust, you're not going to write it IN the dust, are you? lol Sorry, couldn't resist...

  2. gosh I hate dusting and usually wait until I can write in it if I wish to LOL sounds like you are ready for your road trip.

  3. I guess that's why I DON'T put cleaning on my weekly lists!! LOL

  4. The dusting can wait, you have more important things to do.

  5. Hi Diann! Oh, I h.a.t.e. dusting. Pick up everything, wipe it down, put it back, repeat next week. Makes me not want to have anything out. I much prefer vacuuming - I like seeing the lines on the carpet and emptying the dust bin. HAHA! Your Scrappy Sprouts is really coming along nicely! I love how that looks and the fabrics you chose. Seeing the piles of tiny blocks, well you just know that will be together in a blink of an eye. Gosh, I still don't have an idea for the Virtual Cookie Exchange - I've got to get myself in gear. Good luck on this week's list - you have done great each week so this definitely works for you. Thanks for linking up! ~smile~ Roseanne

  6. I've laid out my tiny Tuesday blocks, but I hadn't set them yet, so I'm working my way through them using different neutral backgrounds rather than a single one. I also changed the orientation on a few. Not sure how it will look in the end, but finished is better than perfect, as they say.

  7. I have dust bunnies in my house. They keep the quilting squirrels company - haha! I have been ignoring them for weeks and, like real bunnies, they are multiplying at a exponential rate! But no matter, I just put my blinders on and keep sewing :-) Your little projects are so fun, a good reward for getting that dusting done!

  8. You've been moving along on all your projects. Hope that this week has been as productive. Our house needs a good cleaning. I'm off work the last half of December. The week before Christmas we will be in deep cleaning mode. Hope you got your dusting all done so you can stitch without guilt.
