Friday, November 1, 2019

I said I wasn't going to...

make 5 Tiny Tuesday blocks in October... but I guess I changed my mind!

I just couldn't resist these fun blocks!  
Thanks, Angela, for all the Tuesday fun throughout the year for this rainbow sampler quilt!

I set them all with a straight sashing, thinking I would use four of them as cornerstones for a layout like this - 

This would take 49 blocks, plus something in the borders, like those four patch blocks.

But the other day, I started thinking maybe I would prefer a layout that uses 56 blocks in a 7 x 8 block setting.  Then I would use those black blocks and 4 patches differently, more like this - 

Finished size would be about 49.5 x 56.5.
This setting needs more blocks set on point, so I might have to re-do a couple of the black blocks that way.

And the four patches, trimmed down, fit right in wherever they are needed!

A little more thinking, and rearranging, is still needed, but I like where this going at this point!

Linking up with SoScrappy for ScrapHappy Saturday!


  1. Love the new arrangment! It really is a neat piece, I love your color selections! Have a great week!

  2. I saved some of the tiny tuesday patterns but haven't done anything with them yet. I like what you did - maybe that will spur me on to do something with the patterns I have.

  3. Looking good either way! I really stalled on this project the last couple of months. Maybe I'll take it to retreat in a couple of weeks.

  4. I like the way you've arranged your blocks! And I love those tiny blocks. That's going to be a nice sized quilt.

  5. The colorful 4-Patches thrown in break up the row. In a good way! They seem to add extra interest and move your eye around the quilt. I'll be looking forward to seeing your completed quilt, Diann!

  6. you will get it figured out in the end. what you have on the wall looks good right now for sure

  7. Your blocks look lovely lined up on the wall. Good luck working out the best layout.

  8. I, too, like the four patches used in the interior of the quilt, I need to finish the October blocks and decide on a setting . Thanks for the inspiration,

  9. Oh, yes! Once the four patches were bordered with the gray, they fit right in like Flynn :)

  10. What a cool solution with very little piecing. It looks great already!

  11. Such a fun quilt. Lots of work, but worthy!

  12. This is the fun part - playing with the blocks to see how the quilt will finish up. Looking beautiful as always.

  13. I like your idea for arranging them. I really hope I don't need more blocks. Yours is looking really great

  14. You'll figure it out. Whatever you decide, I know it's going to be fantastic!

  15. It's a great combination!!! Love your black blocks.

  16. Whichever way you go, it's going to be wonderful - such fabulous little blocks!
    (Tiny Tuesday has been a lot of fun to watch!)

  17. Interesting idea for setting your TT blocks! I'm still thinking...

  18. Looks like a great plan for a fun and finished RSC quilt. I always stall out on the setting, which is why I'm just now finishing the RSC projects from 2015 and 2016.

  19. You are on to something wonderful. I like the addition of those four patches.
