Friday, November 22, 2019

Chain Piecing

Or maybe I should call it chain "Rowing" because I'm sewing my Tiny Tuesday blocks into rows!  I wonder if calories are burned while I'm rowing, lol!

I have to admit that this stage of quilt construction is not my favorite, but I do enjoy revisiting each block as I feed it through my machine.  So many sweet blocks!

Thank you, Angela, and all of the guest designers for your weekly blocks!  
It's been a fun year of sewing and seeing what develops!

Now and then, as I sew my rows, a squirrel runs by that I have to chase.  How about a Christmas-y sort of rainbow?

More about this one next month!

Sharing at SoScrappy for ScrapHappy Saturday!


  1. Your blocks look wonderful, Diann! I still love that cat best of all!
    Cute trees!
    Barbara xx

  2. I love both of these projects! I love the background fabric you are using, it makes each block pop! I do love your Xmas trees too! Such a pretty variety!!! Have a great day!

  3. Love your sampler blocks. Now I'm sorry I didn't stitch along this year.

  4. So pretty! How big will yours be? I ran out of steam toward the end but I was making two of every block so maybe I have enough ...

  5. I love how every other block is on point. It makes it look most interesting.

  6. sewing into rows and sewing the rows together is not my favorite either!

  7. Now wouldn't that be great if all us quilters could loose weight as we sew, LOL. Well we can dream anyway. You Christmas tree project is gonna be so pretty in those colors.

  8. Looking good! Anxious to see the finish!
    Looking forward to more information about your tree blocks,

  9. Yeah, quilt top assembly is not my favorite either, but with the TT blocks I imagine it’s a bit more fun than usual because of the delightful variety. Anyway, it’s looking great, Diann. You’re in the home stretch now! I’m hoping to have time for a Christmas Squirrel soon too.

  10. You have some well-choreographed sewing going on! Sew a row, catch squirrel, sew a row . . . Love it! Enjoy! That is going to be a darling quilt!

  11. Inch by inch, row by row, your Tiny Tuesday blocks are a wonderful quilt! And I can't wait to see your rainbow Christmas blocks next month.

  12. So fun to see your rows taking shape! I actually really enjoy putting the rows together. It means the quilt top is almost finished :) Looking forward to more of those adorable trees, too!

  13. I saw those trees this week or some real similar, but I beat that squirrel off with a stick and kept strips and triangles to my TTs. And today I got lured outside in the sunshine (but in the 40s) and did some garden clean up that was delayed by frigid temps and snow. It was actually pleasant and I got a lot done.

  14. The blocks are looking great as you put them together, Diann. I am really partial to the piglet...I really need to make this block! :)

    Love the Christmas squirrel! Looking forward to seeing more of it!

  15. No wonder it's always so tedious to put the rows together-- it's rowing! Can't wait to see it together!

  16. Just find one of those calorie expenditure calculators for different activities and insert "Rowing". I looked it up, and I could burn 684 calories an hour for rowing. Whoohoo! All fun aside, your blocks are looking amazingly gorgeous as they all come together. Great project!

  17. I had my fill of chain piecing this past week. I love the looks of your squirrel!
