Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Almost Amish Flimsy

Monday I was able to finish stitching up all the pieces and parts for Almost Amish, and I'm so pleased with how it's come together!

Everything I used for this project came out of my solid scrap bin, so while there isn't any green in it, I really like the combination of colors that I was able to pull together!

I'm away from my sewing machine this week, but as soon as I'm home again, Almost Amish will be at the top of the queue for finishing up!

Thank you, Lori, for a fun QAL!  This is my first Humble Quilts' QAL, but most definitely not the last!

Sharing at the Almost Almost linky party.


  1. was this one you were doing by hand? it turned out nice!

  2. Pretty quilt top. Is it by hand?

  3. It looks so good! What's the size?

  4. I love your version without any green, and isn't it great to make an entire top from just scraps!

  5. I haven't seen a saguaro cactus in years. Might be time for a trip to the desert! I bet your mom is glad to have you with her for a while.

  6. Love this little quilt, Diann! I may have to go back and re-read the posts and make my own. Someday. Haha!
