Saturday, June 1, 2019

Circle of Sisters

I have lots of sisters...

Two sisters in my immediate family.

Mom, me, and my two sisters in 2012

Plus, four sisters-in-law.   All precious to me in so many ways.

Sisters who started out as co-workers and have become life-long friends, here in my community.

Spring of 2014 - all my favorite teaching partners and friends.

And Quilty Sisters, too numerous to count, from all around blogland - you are all so appreciated!

And now I have International Sisters, too.  Thank you, Preeti, for this fun block!  I turned my four sisters (last week's post) into a mini quilt this week.

Concentric circles of quilting seemed just the thing for this mini.

Backing and binding are this yellow-gold with plus signs - bright and fun!

I found the perfect spot for this quilt...

I'm going to enjoy looking at it every day!

Sharing at Quilting is more fun than Housework for Oh Scrap!


  1. Love your International Sisters. Now I'm going to look for some appropriate fabrics. I think I can manage a group of 4 ...

  2. Your Sisters wall hanging is just wonderful, and what a great post! Is that your wall of fame in your sewing room?
    I didn't realize you had sisters, and that is a sweet photo of you and your Mom and sisters.

  3. This is a lovely quilt and a lovely post. It's nice to meet all your sisters and friends. What a beautiful group you have. Congratulations on finishing a gorgeous mini. ;^)

  4. You sure whipped that one up quickly! And it turned out so cute, a great addition to your wall that will serve as a memory to all your sistas!

  5. I love it, Diann! Such a fun and meaningful little piece :)

  6. The women in our lives are so important, for so many ways. Glad you are surrounded with love. This wallhanging is perfect!

  7. You are so blessed to have all these women in your life! I love what you did with your's a beautiful representation of women from around the world and the power we hold!

  8. How wonderful to be surrounded by sisters of all kinds! Lovely wall hanging, I like it on point.

  9. lovely block and love seeing all your sisters - I too have sisters - 3 of them plus 6 sister's in law from my brothers and then from Mike's side I have 3 more sisters in law

  10. You're lucky to have so many sisters and sister-in-law. Your little wall quilt is so beautiful! Love these international sisters and it was perfect with circle quilting. :-)

  11. What a sweet finish! Such a fitting post filled with photos of your "sister."

  12. What a fun quilt, and it looks great on your wall! Now I need to go make some!

  13. How cute! And what a wonderful array of sisters you have!

  14. Love your 'sister' story and I hadn't really thought of all my blog and quilting friends as 'sister's' but what a delightful idea--thanks--
    and what a lovely wall hanging you received!
    luv, di

  15. I love your mini. It is such a wonderful reminder of the women in your life and how special they all are. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  16. Such a pretty quilt and the circle quilting just tops it off. We are very blessed when we have significant women in our lives. Thanks for sharing.

  17. I absolutely love Preeti’s pattern, and you made quick work of putting it to wonderful use. Such a sweet quilt to honor all the sisters in your life.

  18. I am honored to be your sister, Diann!!! And you won the prize for the most rapid tribute to international sisters. Love the spiral quilting. Nothing else could be more appropriate for the circle of sisters :-) Hugs to you!!!

  19. Oh my goodness! Your Sisters piece is to die for! It turned out beautifully. (And what a great tribute post, too!)

  20. Wonderrul to see and read about your special sisters,love how you have made the sisters block into a mini quilt. Looks amazing.

  21. Wonderful...sorry slippy fingers!!

  22. What a delightful post! Enjoyed visiting to see your sister blocks very much. I love the mini you created. Concentric circles was the perfect choice for quilting it up!
