Saturday, May 25, 2019

On my design wall this week...

While continuing to work on the blocks for the Beothuk Star QAL, hosted by Sandra at mmmquilts, I couldn't resist making more International Sisters blocks!

Some of them are even made from the leftovers of Beothuk Star!

These are a great block for scraps because you can make the headdress, sleeves, and skirt out of a pretty small piece - about 7 x 14 inches at the most - for a 10.5 inch block.  Then you just need a little chunk for the face and hands and some background fabric.  I'm using a piece of Kona White that was left from making my Squared Away blocks, last year's Rainbow Scrap Challenge sampler.

I've had fun working on my sisters in between sewing HSTs for Beothuk Star.  (All the while, listening to the Friendship Album podcasts!)

What will I do with these colorful ladies?  Stay tuned!

If you want to make some International Sisters, check out Sew Preeti Quilts, right HERE.

Sharing at Quilting is more fun than Housework for Oh Scrap!  


  1. Those Sisters are too cute! And your stars are looking good.

  2. love those star blocks - you have a lot of quilts going don't you that you work on monthly

  3. I can't wait to see what you do with the Sisters! I know it will be amazing...they are so festive!

  4. You have a very happy design wall going on there! It has been very quiet in my sewing room this weekend, so I'm enjoying other posts and seeing the beautiful sewing going on.

  5. Love the international sisters! Also the stars are beautiful! :-)

  6. You are certainly making the most of your new design wall. Your blocks are lovely. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  7. Your ladies are so stylishly dressed :)

  8. Beautiful ladies and shining stars up on your design wall. Happy stitching today.

  9. Beothuk Star is going to be gorgeous with those fabrics. Yes I will be interested to see what happens to your ladies. I love the one with the black face!

  10. The Quilty Sisters are making the International Sisters famous. Leave no scrap behind :-D
    Thank you, Diann, for the shout-out. Looks like your Beothuk Star Quilt is almost there. Have you chosen the backing?
