Friday, March 8, 2019

Hand-Pieced QAL - Block 7

This week's block is named Eula!  I chose a print and two solids to work with -

I brought my mini cutting mat, along with other hand-piecing tools, on our road trip so I could get the pieces cut out once the block tutorial came out on Monday.

I love the tiny lighthouses on this print.  Lighthouses are a favorite stop of mine when we're traveling to the coast.

Here's Eula!  I still need to do some pressing and work on those bulky seams in the back, but I'm keeping her!

Sharing my latest hand-pieced block at the link-up at Elm Street Quilts!


  1. What a cute block. Have you ever thought of renting a machine from a near by shop? But then sometimes you need a hand work item.

  2. You did a great job! Thanks for linking up with the Hand Pieced QAL!

  3. Very cute! Love you handy, handy carry all for you hand stitching supplies.
