Wednesday, October 17, 2018

I Like Thursday #104 - Two Years!

I just realized that this is my two year anniversary of posting on Thursdays all about things I enjoy, like, found interesting, love, or even just have to laugh about throughout each week!  Thanks go to LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color for getting me started on what has now become a weekly ritual.

Speaking of things you just have to laugh about - this was my view out the window this past Sunday morning...

That's Fall in Colorado, folks!  The birds didn't mind the snow at all!

The view out the front window was interesting, too - 

About 4 inches of snow fell overnight, and the big tree in our front yard dumped all of its leaves (all at once!) right on top.

Being cold and snowy, Sunday turned into the perfect sew day!  I enjoyed finishing up one of my pumpkin blocks into this piece for the little wooden chest that sits by our front door.

I added some 3 inch squares of fall fabrics to either side of it, did some machine quilting around the pumpkin and through the borders, and then some handquilting to give the pumpkin its shape.  This little piece measures 11 x 17.

It's perfect for helping dress up this spot for the season!

This weather has been good reading weather, too, and I have been giving our local library a lot of business!

That pile holds everything from a Bonnie Hunter quilting book, to a holiday romance by Debbie Macomber, to the latest in the Women's Murder Club series by James Patterson.  I love to read!

A recent favorite that I checked out as an ebook so I could take it on our trip was The Zookeeper's Wife.

This book was quite an eye-opener for me - based on the true story of the Warsaw Zoo during WWII.  Now I'd like to see the movie, too!

And, finally, I liked this - found online the other day!

Well, and read a book, too!

Hope you're having a great week!  Be sure to visit all the other I Like Thursday posts at Not Afraid of Color


  1. Your little table cover is sweet and has inspired me to start doing the same.

  2. Hi Diann! Your newest table topper looks so nice and welcoming in your entry way. I love how you extended the pumpkin backing fabric into the borders - that looks so cool. I just got a new Patterson book - The Third Juror. I haven't even started it yet. And I just finished If I Run which was so good - someone in our Thursday group told me to read it and I agree with them! Couldn't put it down and my sewing has been ignored because of it! ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. Happy anniversary of posting happy moments!

  4. The Zookeepers wife sounds good - just ordered it on my library page - maybe it will keep me in reading a good book on this final leg home. I will look for the new women's club book at the library when we get home at the end of next week.

  5. Diann! Can you believe it's been two years??? See, little by little, the bird builds his nest (French saying) I love your post. Yes, the snow came, took the leaves with it, and now it's sunny again, but VERY windy here in "West Kansas" Colorado! I like your pile of books, how fun is it to go shopping at the library and leave with hours of fun??? I have been meaning to watch the zookeeper's wife... would Netflix have it?

  6. Congratulations on two years of Thursday posts! I always enjoy them.

  7. Snow already?! Great for your tree, it's leaves are all down now ;)

  8. Congratulations on 2 years. Great pumpkins, and little wall hanging.

  9. Ooh - I love that last picture. lol. The snow is pretty, but you can keep it for a while.

    I can't believe it's been two years!

  10. Thanks for the book-movie suggestion...I love to read too. I am ready for a little bit of snow here.

  11. Congratulations on your 2 year "I like" anniversary. I really enjoy the weekly posts. And your pumpkin turned out very nice. The Women's Murder Club books are the only series of Patterson that I read. I somehow missed two Tea Shop mysteries, but I'm caught up now. Hopefully I'll find more time to read now that the weather has turned. No snow here, yet, but it's coming soon.
