Sunday, June 17, 2018

Using up all the scraps...

Is that really possible?  Probably not, but we can always try, right?!

This pile of leftover chunks and bits of "Charleston" -

was still on my cutting table after finishing this tablerunner in May.

I'd been trying to decide what to do with these scraps for a month now, and this was the week to make it happen!

I started by sewing together a slab of scraps that ended up measuring about 10 x 18.

I layered my slab with a piece of batting and a piece I cut off of a fat quarter for backing, and quilted the layers together with an orange peel design.

In a basket of "stuff" I found some invisible zippers that a friend gave me, leftover from when her daughter was in design school and sewing clothing for a class project.  It was one of those "Why not try this?" moments, and it worked pretty well! 

 I used it to make my quilted slab into a zipper pouch!

Did I use up all the Charleston scraps?  Not quite, but close!  I'm sure the rest will find their way into other projects here and there.

Sharing at Quilting is more fun than Housework for Oh Scrap!


  1. Thanks for your comments! I always enjoy them!

  2. Win-win! Scraps gone and something useful to show for it.

  3. I have barely been checking in with anyone this month while traveling and we have a rainy day so got the computer out to check blogs - harder read them on my phone - your bag looks great

  4. What a great idea for more scraps! We can all use a zipper pouch or two. Try as we might, we never seem to be able to use all of our scraps!

  5. Very clever! Scraps turned into a very useful item. Pretty!

  6. That's a great way of using up and showing off scraps. Great job!! ;^)

  7. Another great way to use those scraps! Your quilting choice is perfect. Your pouch turned out beautifully. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  8. Sweet! Something to use or a gift ready for giving? Either way, scraps were used. Even if they weren't "used up"!!

  9. Clever way to use scraps! Love this pouch, and the quilting design

  10. Excellent use of those scraps! You can never have too many pretty zippy pouches!

  11. What a terrific way to use those scraps! Who can't use another zipper pouch!

  12. Great finish there! I'm envious because bags are just one thing I haven't been brave enough to tackle. Maybe someday.

  13. A very fun and useful way to use up those leftovers.

  14. Oooh, love this little quilted pouch Diann. What a great use for the scraps! Christine x

  15. What a fantastic use of scraps that you know you like together!

  16. I looks like they were meant to be used for just this purpose, that is why they were hanging out waiting!

  17. How darling! And the quilting is just perfect.

  18. Such a sweet little pouch! It's always nice to find a home for scraps, and to make something useful is a bonus :)

  19. Oh how cute! What a wonderful way to use scraps.

  20. Great way to use the leftovers. Gorgeous result with the pouch.
