Sunday, April 15, 2018

Moving Forward

I last posted about my String Star project in December of last year.  I worked on the blocks throughout the year and then the quilt top was finished that month, and I remember writing that I expected to have it quilted before too much time passed by.

Famous last words, right?!  Of course, other things came along that I needed to work on first, and a few months went by until I could pull this quilt out again and move it along!

This week I finally had a chance to get the backing and batting ready to go - 

get the layers basted - 

and quilting started!  Hooray!

How do you like the pink gardening gloves I use for quilting gloves?  They work great!

I have to say that I was soooo excited to get moving on this quilt again, because I really love how the design turned out, but...  quilting it is turning out to be very frustrating!  Bulky seams, uneven stitches (even with my walking foot!), places where pieces bunch up and fold over... ~sigh~  

I'm persevering, though, and hoping that a trip through the washer and dryer when the quilting is done will crinkle everything up and hide the imperfections!  Fingers crossed!  

Sharing at Quilting is More Fun than Housework for Oh Scrap today!


  1. We always see the issues more than others. When viewed at a distance they fade away. I love your layout, perfect!

  2. I think washing and drying helps so much to cover up little mistakes with the shrinkage that follows giving it such a nice antique type of finish - I bet it will still be good to see - love the colors and design of this quilt.

  3. It's so pretty! The thing with string quilts is that there are all those seams to control. Something is always going to go a little weird, but that's part of what makes these quilts so charming. It's going to look great.

  4. It is going to be beautiful, don't sweat the small stuff, LOL!!

  5. This caught my attention right away! It is so beautiful! I know you will power through the quilting bulky seams and all! As you said...once it's crinkled it will hide the imperfections!

  6. It is such a pretty quilt. Good luck with the quilting. ;^)

  7. I believe in the power of the crinkle! This quilt has so many interesting things to look at on it that a little wobble here and there won't show at all :)

  8. I think the "riding by on horseback" rule definitely applies here. The design is so striking that no one will notice any issues with the quilting. Well except you, the maker always knows where the flaws are and for some reason we insist on seeing that first.

  9. Your quilt is really beautiful, the red center very attractive

  10. This is a lovely quilt and a good use of the strip blocks. Those flaws will never show on such a lively pattern. I also use gardening gloves, the cloth kind with bumps. I've even been patching them lately. We Quilters are a thrifty bunch.

  11. I'm so happy to see you working on this! It's such a beauty!
    And yeah, I'd call 'galloping horse' on any so-called imperfections... 8)

  12. It can be a struggle, but how joyful it will be when done. We must persevere with other quilty friends to reach these goals sometimes.

  13. Believe me, it will be well worth your current struggle!!

  14. It is lovely to see this quilt being worked on. Good luck with your finish.

  15. It will be a wonderful string quilt, no matter how the quilting was.
    Quilting is the hardest part for me, I have a great pile of quilts waiting just for it.

  16. LOVE this quilt! The layout is perfect. I relate on the quilting. Just when I thought I had everything all tight and ready to quilt on my last project, when all was said and done there were a few foldovers - ugh. But only I will ever know about it - lol!
    What a great idea with the garden gloves. I have those very gloves and they are cheap! My quilting gloves are on their last leg, so I will replace them with the clean pair I have!
