Wednesday, April 18, 2018

I Like Thursday #78

Welcome back to I Like Thursday - a day to think about all the good things in life to celebrate!

I like duck "acrobatics!"

We spent a day up in the mountains earlier this week, and got to hike at one of our favorite spots, Lily Lake.  There were lots of mallards there, working hard to find some food under the water.

These bushes were "blooming" - maybe that's what you'd call it!

When I was growing up in New York State, we called these Pussy Willows.  I think this might be the first time I've noticed them in Colorado.  They are so soft - I just had to reach out and touch!

This is a glimpse of the very top of Long's Peak just as we turned a bend in the trail.   It is a 14,000 + foot mountain that we can also see from our house many miles away.  Can you see the beaver?  It's the shape that you see going along the left side of the peak - nose, back, tail.

I am so happy that my tulips survived the recent snow and windstorms we've been having.  I love their pretty color!

And in the category of " Sometimes you just have to laugh!"   The other day I was cutting some more pieces for my "Libby's Mystery" blocks, and when I went to sew them up, I couldn't figure out why some of the green pieces were cut 1/8 inch too small.

And then a lightbulb in my quilty brain turned on!

It doesn't really work to cut green fabric on a green mat with a yellow ruler...

After I pulled out a back up cutting mat I have that is gray, things went much better!

Happy Thursday to you!  Hope you're having a great week!  Don't forget to check out all of the I Like Thursday posts that are linked up at LeeAnna's place, Not Afraid of Color.


  1. Your tulips are beautiful. Looks like you had gorgeous weather for a walk. Happy stitching this week.

  2. Yes, green-on-green not so good. I have trouble with the yellow rulers on everything! Hope you were able to salvage the miscut fabric.

  3. Hi Diann,
    Those tulip colors are just gorgeous, and the views! We still call them pussy willows - at least I think they do! HAHA - yes, no cutting green on your green mat. Wow, I'm surprised you didn't have more issues! They are SO close in color. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. Pussy willows! I haven't seen them in ages.

    Green fabric on green mats. I have similar issues with black fabric with black rule-lines. Ugh!

  5. I have a blue mat that gives me trouble with blue or dark value colors! I need to switch it out with my green mat. LOL

  6. I love pussy willows - do they not call them that now? we had them in parts of WI and ID when we lived there. Love the scenes of the mountains

  7. I always enjoy reading your posts; there's usually something so relaxing about them :)

  8. Your tulips are soooo pretty. I never thought about my green mat and yellow ruler that way! Thanks for the heads up. I enjoy seeing your Colorado photos.

  9. I just love tulips. the mat idea is so simple and effective. We get used to one thing and forget to solve a problem! Thanks for that. Some rulers are better on some colors than others too. Good catch on the duck picture!

  10. Your tulips are so pretty! And I love the ducks. We have several that camp out in the front yards in my ordinary suburban neighborhood. It seems so strange to me to see them wandering around with no water in sight. I think they come from the pond that is just outside the neighborhood but it's still incongruous. My dogs get very excited when they see them and want to chase them, but I won't let them :)

  11. Love your tulips! What brand is your gray mat? I like it!
    Happy weekend. :)

  12. nice shot of the duck - they're fun to watch
