Wednesday, April 4, 2018

I Like Thursday #76 -

It's always fun to look at old photos, isn't it?  I love this one of my husband's family, taken about 1953 or so.  We could date it because his two youngest siblings aren't in the picture, so not born yet.

Mike is the little guy sitting on his dad's lap.  I had to put this photo in today, because today is my MIL's 90th birthday!  Happy Birthday, Mom!  She is a pretty amazing lady.  Even though many things in life are much harder for her than they once were, she still lives in her own apartment, by herself, with those of us who are nearby to check on her on a regular basis.  She raised 6 kids, owned her own business, and worked until she was 80.  And has always treated me like one of her own, something for which I am very grateful!

I like this photo, too - sent to me by my niece who lives in Florida.  You might recognize one of my Project Quilting pieces on her table.

As I was making it, back in February, it seemed liked I was always thinking of my niece and her family.  They actually live in Puerto Rico, and love their life there,  but because of the hurricane that hit Puerto Rico last fall, they had to leave and have moved temporarily to Florida.  I know they are dreaming of returning to Puerto Rico, so somehow this little piece felt like it belonged with them.  I know they were surprised when it came in the mail!  Kind of fun to do that sometimes!

A favorite blogger of mine is Carole, who blogs at From My Carolina Home.  I enjoy her blog because of her variety of topics - quilting, card-making, decorating, gardening, and travel.  Lots of good stuff!  Plus, Carole is a very generous quilter, and last year even sent me this sweet quilt (unasked for!) for a charity I was also donating to at the time.

Recently Carole posted about a charity drive she organizes every year for a local women's shelter called Safelight.  Read her post HERE.  She is collected donations and items for some bags that are given to women who come to the shelter with nothing and need even the smallest and simplest of personal items.  

The post includes directions for making a simple quilted sunglasses case and cosmetic organizer for her Safelight drive.  I decided to make a matching set of them - and had them completed in an afternoon.

You can't tell from this photo, but the two pieces are made from the same two fat quarters of fabric - I just reversed the outer and lining pieces.  They are fun and easy to make, and would make great gifts for friends, too!  I'll be sending these off to Carole this week!  If you'd like to participate in Carole's charity drive for Safelight, be sure to check out the post I linked to above.

While making these, I used my roll of fusible batting tape to use up some smaller pieces of batting.  I've used up a lot of smaller batting scraps this way recently, and I really like how easy it is to use.

Another good book this week!

This one takes place in South Africa in 1976.  Definitely a place I don't know much about!  The fictional story set in this place and time period is pretty fascinating!

Hope you're having a great week!  I'm joining in with all of the Thursday bloggers at Not Afraid of Color.  Thanks, as always, to LeeAnna for hosting!


  1. Lots to like this week. Didn't know about the fusible batting tape.

  2. Hi Diann,
    Happy Birthday to your MIL. So wonderful that she treated you like her daughter - I love that. That books looks inviting - I love the title, maybe because I do just that. Thanks for the tip about the fusible batting tape! Who even knew there was such a thing?! ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. You MIL sounds like a treasure. :)
    We have a similar family picture taken in 1953, and I was the one sitting on my Daddy's lap. ;)
    I love that selvedge fabric you used on the bag and have used it sparingly because I don't want it to be all gone! Ha!

  4. I need to order more of that fusible batting tape, I went and got the wrong kind and it didn't work at all on my batting. Serves me right for not looking at it better.
    love the little table topper for your niece hope they can get back to Puerto Rico soon - a pity not more is being done to get the territory back in shape

  5. Your husband's family photo is so sweet and reminds me of our family photos from back then. Your alpha quilt from Carole was so well done! I feel so bad for the people of Puerto Rico- I can't imagine leaving their country and trying to get back home. I like the sunglasses/cosmetic cases and printed the instructions. I will try to make time to sew some together for her. Thanks for that hookup to such a great cause. Have a great day. mary in Az

  6. Oh the family picture is amazing! Neat items to donate. Isn't it scary how much need is out there. Oh your poor family. I am sure they are missing their home.

  7. I like that batting tape, too. I just wish it wasn't so expensive! But it's much easier than zigzagging the pieces together. Love seeing the Dream piece "in the wild" at your niece's home :)

  8. The table runner looks perfect on that table! I really like the two organizers/pouches. Nice! And you've reminded me I need to fuse more batting together. :-)

  9. Lovely old photo, isn't it. I visit Carole's blog too and enjoy it. How nice to see your work appreciated. Lovely blocks and I esp. enjoyed your tulip block...mentioned it on my Tulip post. Happy Stitching!

  10. I just love old photos. Your husband looks like his kid self... wonder how old he feels looking at this. Dream... perfect, great likes this week Diann. All that and you have spring flowers...

  11. Happy Birthday to your MIL. She sounds like a neat lady. Treasure all the time you have with her.
    I follow Carole's blog as well. She has such great variety, several fun QALs and I've already sent my check for the Safelight Project.
    You have more spring flowers than we do. Gray,snowy, windy, cold and unspringlike here in western NY.

  12. My mother will be 90 in December, and she raised 7 kids, so I think she has a lot in common with your MIL!

    Surprise gifts are so fun - both ways!

  13. Great likes! I know your niece will appreciate the tablerunner, it is wonderful! The little bags are adorable and thanks for the tip about the binding tape! That was a product I hadn't seen before and now MUST HAVE!! Have a wonderful week!

  14. Happy belated birthday to your MIL. Family picks are such fun. Even when the kiddos laugh at them. Hope you have a great weekend.

  15. My MIL was also lovely in the way she treated me as a daughter. I still don't have family here (other than husband and son) so she was a great friend to me. She helped me going from a family of 8 to just us. I do miss her. She passed away at 96 in 2016.
