Sunday, March 25, 2018

Mysterious Meanderings

Checking in this afternoon with the Magical Mystery Block QAL hosted by Libby at Life on the Hill.  I finished up the sewing for the final clue that came out on Friday, making some four patches with 2.5 inch squares and the 2.5 inch HSTs.

Then spent some time playing with a possible layout.

Oops... I see two rail blocks over there on the left that should be turned in order for my idea to actually work.  Obviously, this will not be it!  (I do like the design formed by putting those four patches in the center, though!  😍)

Fortunately, Libby is revealing the final blocks tomorrow, so no more guessing will be necessary!


  1. I like your solution! Just not mine ... but you're close.

  2. the colors are good - guess you will find out soon!

  3. It will be interesting to see the end result!

  4. I like the last block and your colors. I'm looking forward to seeing your result!

  5. Very fun blocks! You've done well at keeping caught up.
