Friday, March 2, 2018

Green for March

I'm not quite as organized as many quilters are when it comes to my scraps, but I do sort them by color into individual bins.  So, when I saw Angela's post that the new color for March was green, it was fun to open up the green bin and go on a little scavenger hunt to see what I had for lime and yellow greens.

Here's what I pulled out -

I spent a some time Thursday afternoon ironing and cutting, and ended up with a pile of 1.5 x 2.5 inch rectangles that will be made into green tiny rail blocks (paired with a same size low volume piece), and 2.5 inch squares and a few pieces for HSTs so that I could sew up a Scrappy Sprout.

A few larger pieces were cut into 3.5 inch and 2 inch squares and sewed up quickly to make some 6.5 inch bow tie blocks, too!

I love sewing with green, and look forward to lots more of it this month!

Sharing at SoScrappy for ScrapHappy Saturday!


  1. That owl fabric is just so darned cute! It reminds me to look in my "multi colored" scrap bag for some lime greens, too.

  2. that might be a good idea to do them by color - I probably need to join up with one of these challenges that do by color - I have mine by color and then some boxes are by pre-cut shapes from cutting up scraps. Is the color and the block pattern already chosen in advance?

  3. Great start to your green month. And a lovely variety of blocks, too.

  4. Loving the colors of green, hey you didn't do your little rails yet;) or maybe by now you do, hehe.

  5. Great star Diann! and waht a cute owl fabric to play ♥

  6. Off to a great start with green. Such great organization.

  7. I love your greens! I’ve got that same owl fabric (great minds...), but in a different color way. You’re off to a great start, Diann!

  8. It is so much seeing all the different ways people choose to participate in the RSC. Someday, as soon as I get my UFO list whittled down I am looking forward to joining you! I bet you had a lot of fun playing around in your green scraps. :)

  9. You have a great selection of greens!

  10. You are off to a good start for LIGHT/BRIGHT GREEN month!!

  11. I think it's so much fun when a new color comes out to see all the creative blocks that start appearing! Love the bowties and 'sprouts'!

  12. Wow the cutest owl fabric in a bow tie. Great start to your greens.

  13. some great fabrics there;I love the bow ties!

  14. You have some pretty scraps! That owl fabric is perfect for it.

  15. Looking good! ( ps I am not organized at ALL!)

  16. You have made more progress than I have. Your blocks look great!

  17. Diann, you have a lovely organized pile of spring fresh green-ness to work with there. It will be exciting to see the progress made and the we March forward with greens.
