Wednesday, January 24, 2018

I Like Thursday #66 - Every day is different!

I used to love that about my teaching career - every day truly was different!  And come to find out, retirement is like that, too, and I like every day to be a little bit different.

I liked our Saturday walk at River's Edge Natural Area.  Here was the view:

We spotted a bird that was new to us, an American Kestrel.

Mike didn't have his fancy camera, and mine doesn't zoom well enough to get a good close-up, but if you're curious here's a link to the Cornell All About Birds site that shows exactly what we were seeing.  It is a beautiful bird, North America's littlest falcon, we learned.

I liked that on Sunday it looked like this - completely different from Saturday!

Snow day!  I love a good snow day, also a leftover thing from being a teacher!  Read, sew, watch football, soup in the crockpot - the perfect day.

On Sunday, the second challenge for Project Quilting was posted.  See here for more details about it.  I had fun with the first challenge, and even won a prize just for participating!  It was definitely fun and inspiring to see what other people did for the first challenge - there is so much talent out there in the quilting world!

This week's challenge- make something with triangles!  I've been wanting to try some improv triangles, so...

I've finished my challenge piece already, but haven't taken any more photos just yet.

Last week we went to the movies again and saw "The Post."  I love Discount Day - only $5 to see the movie.

We really liked this movie, an interesting topic that was happening when I was a teenager, so I didn't pay much attention to it.  Plus I love Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep, and any movie that makes me want to come home and learn more, which we did!

One more different thing to like this week - these differently shaped taco shells.

I actually bought these kind of by accident recently.  I love crispy tacos, and needed more taco shells, but couldn't find anything else at my local grocery store that was exactly what I wanted, so I decided to try these.  Turns out, we like them!  Easy to pick up, and they hold quite a bit, too!   

Happy Thursday!  I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone else has been up to this week.  Visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color to read more I Like Thursday posts!   


  1. That is true. Every day is different. Isn't that what makes life so interesting? Hmmm the taco boats look interesting. Many years ago we when I was in girl scouts (Brownies actually) our leader wanted to make tacos, but with a bunch of little girls. She came up with fractured tacos. Torilla chips crushed, hamburger, lettuce tomatoes, cheese. Worked perfectly.

  2. Hi Diann,
    Those taco shells look fab! I'll bet they hold a LOT and so much easier to pick up and bit into. $5 movies - we have those on Tuesdays. And snow days?!! Is there anything better when you work for a school district?! We should have had one on Tuesday but alas they didn't call it. I was off anyway for therapy so I enjoyed it very much. Only one more football game - shoot. I love the football season. ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. What a nice post! I like when every day is different as well! You made me hungry for tacos :D Can't wait to see The Post as well! Thanks for the recommendation! Have a great week!

  4. I will have to look for the taco shells - such an interesting shape to them! I told my Mike just the other day that we need to go to the movies more - we used to do and I love them, then prices went up but now I believe here they are $6 on Tuesday I might be mistaken but I believe that is it - you just have to NOT buy the soda and popcorn if you want to have a cheap date!

  5. Improv triangles? That sounds difficult but yours is perfect. I'm glad to hear The Post is good. What with the war on the press these days, I didn't know if I wanted to see a "press" movie but thanks for the review. Fiesta flats look perfect to hold salsa or even a mini salad!Thanks for a great post. Have fun! mary in Az

  6. Wow, I'm so glad you got to have a nice day outside before the snow came! It looks like a gorgeous area you got to visit!

  7. We saw The Post this week also, and really enjoyed it too. Timely and thought-provoking!

  8. it was a big snow here. 6 or 7 inches with a nice strong layer of ice under it. DH shoveled and hit the ice, and it's still here! Kestrels seem so midevil to me!

  9. Ooh. Kestrels are pretty! Working at home means no snow days, but they make for a pretty day, regardless! I like your triangle. Thanks for the link (I checked out the other entries).

  10. At the risk of repeating myself (again!), I love, love your "I Like" posts so very much. Such a good read, especially at wine:30!! :)

  11. Well who knew on the taco shells! I heard good things from some friends about The Post as well. Totally agree with you on the teaching and retirement every day is different! Not so sure about 'a good snow day' lol but oh yes on the soup!

  12. I have to agree about every day being different as a teacher. But isn't retirement wonderful? It makes you appreciate every day even more!

  13. Hi, I am linked to the Cornell site and get all their updates. Wonderful stuff and such a happy sighting!
    One of the things I loved about teaching was celebrating all the occasions and seasons with all that variety. Also loved Snow Days! My 13 year old grand son loves them too!
    I have never seen those taco shells but a great idea...will keep an eye out.

  14. Those taco shells sound like a good idea. I don't think they have them here though. There is alot of ethnic food here, but not til lately could you get Mexican, and then it is very basic and mostly in kits.
    Your kestrels are beautiful. I have only seen them in birds of prey shows, but as someone said, they were quite often used by nobles in the Middle Ages. We have some Red Kites living near us. It was nearly becoming extinct, but they have had a long term successful programme to reintroduce them. Now you see them often along the motorways hovering to dive down and catch a field mouse or other creature. Very elegant - very big if you have one fly over your back garden/yard!
