Wednesday, December 27, 2017

I Like Thursday #62 - almost the end!

There are only a few days left in December, friends - the end of 2017.  Has your year gone by fast?  Mine has!

It's just about Thursday again and time to share our likes for the past week.  Thanks to LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color for gathering us together every week to find and celebrate the positive.

I really like our "I Like" community!  I especially like it when blogging friends recommend books and I can find them in my library.  Last week, Roseanne at Homesewn By Us said she'd been reading a book by James Patterson, one of his Michael Bennett series.  I really like James Patterson, but had never read any of that series, so I went to the library and checked a couple out!  Thanks, Roseanne, I've been enjoying these books!

I liked our wintery backyard on Christmas Eve.

The temperature fell (from 65 on Dec 20) to the 20s and we got some snow, but it doesn't bother our backyard animals at all!  The birds and squirrels have been very busy at the "All You Can Eat Buffet!"

Some little critter was out early in our front yard, too - maybe a rabbit?

I like going to the movies!  My mom was here for a couple days, so she and my sister and I went to see "The Greatest Showman."

I would recommend this one, especially if you like a musical, because I enjoyed the music so much!  Also, it's a good story - about P.T. Barnum and how he started his circus.  (Although, in reading about his real life story afterwards, I'm not sure he was as nice and definitely was not as handsome as Hugh Jackman portrayed him in the movie!)  But I did like the message of appreciating our human diversity and celebrating all the different kinds of talents we all have.

A local quilty friend who is very talented and creative in many ways gave us a bottle of the wine she and her husband make, and I liked it!  :) She even creates her own labels and prints them - this one is called "Santa's Shiraz."

I also liked trying one more new treat for Christmas!

These are a copycat of the Girl Scout Thin Mint cookies - and only three ingredients!  Ritz Crackers, dark chocolate chips, and a tiny bit of peppermint flavoring.  A little messy to make, but so yummy!  There are lots of recipes for this type of thing out there, so I read them and then did my own thing!  Melt the chocolate chips in the microwave, add 1/4 tsp of peppermint, and then dip the crackers in and cool on a cookie sheet with parchment paper on it.  I've been storing them in the fridge so the chocolate doesn't get melty.

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday and are enjoying this week in between, before 2018 begins!  


  1. your chocolate covered crackers sound wonderful! I love thin mints. I don't know anyone that makes wine you are lucky - I have been introduced to hard cider and I do like that - I'm one of those crazy people with allergies and although I can drink wine it gives me a sinus headache as do some liquors - has to do with the process of making it I've been told - luckily hard cider is made with apples and that doesn't bother me. I like some of Patterson's books but not all - I will look for that series.

  2. Lovely "likes." I didn't realize Showman was a musical. I'd enjoy it, but my beau wouldn't. Have a happy and prosperous New Year!

  3. great likes! We are hoping to get to see the showman as well! Those cookies look swell! Have a happy new Year! :)

  4. Hard to believe that another year is almost over. I've really enjoyed reading all your "likes" this last year. The cookies look really yummy.

  5. Hugh Jackman... yummier than any Christmas treat.

  6. Love the Santa wine. So cute.

    The year has flown by!

  7. Hi Diann,
    I'm glad you are enjoying the Bennett series! I hate to recommend books - always afraid people won't enjoy them. Phew! Ooh your thinish mints look delicious! I love trying new, easy recipes like that. And your friends wine look great too - I would love to try to make something like that myself. Of course, I have no idea how to . . . but would be open to learning someday. ~smile~ Roseanne

  8. Oh the Santa wine is too cute. Your thin mints look yummy. I like your yard prints in the snow also.

  9. A lovely way to finish the year with a lot of positives!!

  10. I want to see that movie too. 'Post' was recommended by good friends of ours. YES, on the recommended books, and YES on our I Like group, one of my likes this month too. :-) I love watching our backyard friends too.
