Wednesday, November 1, 2017

I Like Thursday #54 - a Fall Hike

One thing I really like about the area where I live is the abundance of open space that is accessible to residents for hiking, fishing, dog walking, etc.

Just the other day, my husband and I took a little hike at a new area that we hadn't visited before.

You can see where we were headed.  It was a beautiful fall day!

This trail meanders through a local golf course, and of course, my husband the golfer loves watching other people play!

These signs cracked me up!  Golfers one way, hikers another, and be sure to watch out for each other!

The view from the other side - 

And one last thing I liked this week - a cute comic strip that made us laugh!

Happy Thursday!  Join us over at LeeAnna's place, Not Afraid of Color,  for I Like Thursday!


  1. nice Fall hike. The best part is you get to share a common activity with your best friend.

  2. wow a hike through a golfing trail never seen that before

  3. Nice hike, and I agree the best part is sharing it with your best friend. Stone Soup I haven't seen that comic in years, but made me laugh. When I moved in with hubby, suddenly there were birds, wild animals (fox, coyotes, muskrat, bunnies, lots of squirrels) He used to joke great I married Freakin Snow White.

  4. Hi Diann,
    Well, of course you had never walked on the trail before . . . it is HIDDEN! HAHA And that comic strip is too funny as well. Is that an old thing - watching birds?? I notice that I am more observant of them now . . . so I must be in that category now. Heehee - who would have ever thought?! ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. Looked like a nice day! Stone Soup always hits it on the head. :-)

  6. That comic is great :D! We can definately relate to that! I love LOVE your phtos from the hike! The last photo was breathtaking~! Have a wonderful day!

  7. Yes, you have an abundance of beautiful places for wonderful hiking. I loved the us as well. But we already knew we were old, Diann. lol

  8. Looks like a wonderful hike. I loved the cartoon! It bears too much of a resemblance of what goes on around here. Though I'm happy to report that the SIT is as bad about it as we are.
