Friday, October 6, 2017

Pink Penguins with Bow Ties

While rummaging through my stash this week to find some pinks for a few bow tie blocks, I found this -

So Cute!!! 

I completely forgot that I had bought a 1/2 yard of these pink penguins at my favorite LQS while shopping with LeeAnna of Not Afraid of Color way last March, and then put it away on the shelf with the rest of the pink when I got home.

I had to make a pink bow tie block out of a bit of it, and then made a few more to go with it.

My collection of bow tie blocks is coming along!

In other scrappy sewing this week, I started to sew groups of four Dancing Monkeys together.

It's always fun to revisit your favorite blocks as they go into the quilt.  This bunch has some Christmas penguins, Halloween cats, Kaffe fabric, and watermelon colors of pink and green.  I like how they're coming together even though I just noticed that there is some monkey business going on up in that green and purple one!  Lol!

Sharing at SoScrappy for Scrap Happy Saturday!


  1. Love your blocks, the quilts are coming along really well! That pink penguin fabric is adorable! Have a great day!

  2. love those penguins! such a cute touch to the bowties

  3. Those penguins made me giggle! Absolutely adorable in a bowtie!
    Monkeys are always up to their elbows in monkey business - don't take your eyes off them for a second!

  4. Penguins are so fun and happy looking. It's coming together for sure:)

  5. Love the penquins in pink! ah yes- the blue/green. I wouldn't have noticed till you pointed it out. I like the design of those blocks.

  6. I'm sure those penguins were impossible to resist, and fun to find once again in your stash! Lots of good progress this week. :D

  7. All those bow ties are really an eye-catcher already. I've never seen the Dancing Monkeys before; they're on my list now! Thank you.

  8. I say to leave the monkey business in!! Humility blocks are a fun way to make persnickety viewers squirm. Thanks for sharing a cute little PINK block!

  9. I just love bow ties and yours are coming together great.

  10. I worked on some pink bow tie blocks too. But mine aren't in cute penguin fabric! Both projects are coming along nicely - even with the monkey business.

  11. That pink penguin fabric is so cute - and so YOU!! I'm really loving your large bow ties!

  12. Those pink penguins make me smile!

  13. Took me a while to find that oops - although I kind of like it that way - makes it unique! The penguins look so happy in their block.

  14. Glad to see,those monkeys back again, up to their old tricks. Pink penguins are ideal. The fleece backing on my recent Project Linus finish is also pink penguins. They just beg to go home with me.

  15. Great progress on both proejects. I must admit to being partial to the little monkies though. So cute.

  16. And its absolutely perfect that the penguins are wearing pink bow-ties.

  17. Great penguin fabric. Your bow ties are looking good. xx

  18. Both sets of blocks are looking great. The penguin fabric is adorable.
    Cheers, Karen

  19. Nice collection of bow ties. Those penguins are a fun addition.

  20. CUTE penguin fabrics! What a find! Bow ties coming along NICELY!

  21. Both projects are really fun. I really like the yellow sashing for those monkey blocks. Very bright!
