Friday, September 15, 2017

Some more with orange

It is always fun sorting through fabrics to figure out what to use for a few new bow tie blocks.  This week I found bright tropical orange and dark red-orange, creamy peach and darker orangy-peach.  These blocks are so fun and fast to make.  

I have 28 bow ties right now - still need lots more for a good-sized quilt, but it's fun to look at my collection all laid out!

After finishing up all of the string blocks I needed for my String Star project, I realized I still have a lot of chunks that are 1.5" wide and various lengths.  Inspired by the way Cathy at Sane, Crazy, Crumby Quilting uses even the littlest of scraps, I started cutting these chunks into 1.5 x 2.5 inch pieces.

Sewing them into pairs makes a 2.5" square, and 25 of them will make a nice sized block!

        Whoops!  Need to turn this one right here so the ↑orange piece is on the bottom!

Right now, they are all being thrown into this little tin.  I've made orange ones, yellow ones, and black/gray/and white ones.  When I have a chance, I'll go back and make blocks of some of the other colors we've already worked on this year, but I'm sure this will be a long term project!

Linking up with SoScrappy for ScrapHappy Saturday!


  1. Those bow tie blocks are so colorful. Great plan for your left over chunks. Happy stitching this weekend.

  2. I love your bow tie blocks! They are so cheerful! Great idea using scraps for rail fence! Thanks for the idea!

  3. the drunkards path is coming along really well

  4. What's a fun little rail fence bock. So virtuous to use up every bit of fabric.

  5. What a great new project. Great way to use up those smaller strings.

  6. Way to go! I love the tiny blocks. It may take oodles, but they look amazing put together!

  7. Nice orange blocks you are adding to your collections, I like how you are making use of your little 1.5 x 2.5 bits, I love to try to use all the bits, and I love scrappy.

  8. That's a very nice idea for your little scraps..will make a fun Scrap top.

  9. I'm working on a Bowtie project too. Trying to make one a day. Right now my goal is 56.
    Those huge orange polka dots are so cute. They look like Legos.

  10. I'm working on a Bowtie project too. Trying to make one a day. Right now my goal is 56.
    Those huge orange polka dots are so cute. They look like Legos.

  11. More cute bow ties. The most fun and frustrating part of RSC has been the recognition of the range of shades within a color and trying to make them all work together.

  12. Love all the colorful bowtie blocks! Isn't it fun to find more and more ways to use up scraps?!

  13. I love seeing all the RSC bow ties this year. My goodness you have a variety of oranges!

    And watch out...those itty bitties are addictive! But they are oh so cute and versatile and a fun use of scraps!
