Wednesday, August 9, 2017

I Like Thursday #42 - the sewing edition

This week I've been thinking about how much I like sewing!  I didn't use to like it at all, when I was growing up especially.  That's probably because I learned to make clothes first, and didn't ever enjoy it.  Getting involved in quilting changed all that, and learning how to make bags and pouches and mug rugs and coasters and... You get the picture!  I love all of it!

And the last few years, my sewing has taken me lots of good places.

Sewing even just a few minutes a day got me through my last (and most stressful) year of teaching before I could retire.  I'm thankful for that!

I've made lots of new friends through my quilt blog, and I'm enjoying meeting them, one at a time!

Hi, LeeAnna!
I really like participating in Kat and Cat Quilts' block drives for her charity, Covered in Love.  I don't finish big quilts very quickly, so contributing a few blocks at a time feels good.  If you're interested, here's a link to the July/August block drive details.

I like a challenge in my sewing now and then.  Here's one I've been participating in - the Temecula Quilt Company's Marvelous Monday Mini blocks.  These blocks are 4 inches square, so the center part is tiny! 1/2 inch HSTs can be very fiddly!  But I am sticking with it.  This week's block:

And a peek at my pile of pretty and scrappy tiny blocks!

I like my current Work in Progress, too - Improv Stripes, part of a quilt along with Debbie from A Quilter's Table.  I've posted about it a couple of times - it started with these simple stripey blocks.

Because it is an improv project, it looks different to me everyday, and every time I try a different layout! It is also challenging me because the blocks are all different sizes and require lots of thinking to figure out how they will go together!  I'm still working on that one hole you can see there in the photo below (where the carpet shows through), and then I think I will be ready to make these blocks into a quilt top.

I also wanted to do some embroidery this year, so I started working on this little sampler in April, and have made some progress!  I'm really liking it, and enjoying the slow-stitching process.  One day, it will turn into something, but I'm not in any hurry!

I hope you are finding things that soothe your soul this week (or mend it, if it needs mending)!  Join us at Not Afraid of Color for our Thursday celebration of things we like! 


  1. good to read more about you in this blog. Like you I made clothes but who wants to sew those when we can quilt instead.
    I am hoping to meet another blogger at the big quilt show on friday.
    Those 42 blocks are a delight far too fiddly for me to even try to do, Imprvu blocks progressing well and good to see some embroidery too, I came to quilting form the embroidery route but do not seem to do much now I quilt

  2. Fun projects in your queue! I like to sew, too. Made a lot of my own clothes when I had no money. Hate to say it, but why sew clothes when you can buy ready-made for less?

  3. Lots of fun stuff in progress in your sewing room. I agree, making quilt blocks is very good for one's mental health. I'm pretty sure I'd be insane if I didn't make time to sew a bit each day. Great post.

  4. I agree with sewing therapy and especially like the vintage portrait. The strip quilt top is lovely. I started quilting toward the end of my career and that last 6 months I quilted a lot to get through those days. Even now if I have a stressful day, I need to sit and create to clear my thoughts and relax. Enjoy! mary in Az

  5. Love your projects, but the embroidery is especially appealing today, perhaps because it is so soothing just to look at.

  6. I love your projects. Your love of sewing comes through loud & clear! :)
    I've actually always loved sewing from the time I first learned to sew in Home Ec in junior high. But "regular" sewing has taken a definite back seat to quilting!

  7. Your quilts are so cheerful and happy! I love seeing your work! Thanks for sharing!
