Wednesday, July 12, 2017

I Like Thursday #38 - a Quiet Week

It's been a really quiet week here at the Little Penguin household.  Quiet because the neighborhood fireworks pretty much stopped after the 4th, thankfully.  Quiet because it's been hot here, so I've been trying to stay cool and not work up a sweat too much, so I read a lot or disappear into my basement sewing studio.

So quiet that I wasn't sure I had much to write about for my usual I Like Thursday post!  Until I went to look out my front window and saw this - a pink balloon sitting out on the grass.  Now, when you see something like that out of the blue, you just have to like it!

No idea where it came from - maybe a little person's birthday party?  Who knows!  There was also one in the yard across the street.  The next time I looked, it had disappeared.  I think there were Pink Balloon Fairies playing in our neighborhood that day!

I did also see this the other day - my first cherry tomato of the summer.

So yummy!  I'm looking forward to many more!

I enjoy a slow and quiet beginning to the day, with a mug of coffee and our local newspaper.  For a couple of years, we've had a digital subscription to the newspaper, which allows us to read it wherever we are, and we like that convenience.  Plus, you can go back and look articles or events up in the digital archives whenever you need to.

I like this jar full of petunias that I trimmed from one of my pots.  They are very fragrant!

Have you read this book - Wonder, by RJ Palacio? 

It is one of my most favorite middle grades books ever - I read it aloud to my 5th grade students several times.  Wonder is about a 5th grade boy who was born with a rare medical facial deformity, and how he deals with going to public school for the first time.  It's being made into a movie, and I'm looking forward to seeing it!

Before I retired I purchased a copy of Wonder to keep for myself, and it came with a companion book - 365 Days of Wonder: Mr. Browne's Book of Precepts.  

Mr/ Browne is Auggie's 5th grade teacher, and in the story he gives the class a quote (or precept) each school day to discuss and write about.  This book has a quote for each day of the year, and I enjoy checking out the daily quote every now and then.  Here's the quote for July 12th:

I think this is perfect for creative people of all kinds!

I hope you're having a great week - quiet or busy, cool or hot - full of your favorite things.  I'm joining in with LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color to celebrate the positive!  Feel free to join us!


  1. what a great list. I LOVE the book of precepts. I have to go looking now. Just found a writer's party that gives three words to prompt a story. I like a slow wake up period too. Milo even likes to get up, go out for a business run then come back to bed with me. I prefer an actual newspaper but the hydrocarbons are causing me headaches (as is the Nat'l news) so maybe I could do digital. Here's wishing you random pink balloons all week.

  2. Oh what a lovely post! I love the pink balloon, it stirred an old memory of the "red balloon" movie and book that my son and I loved. Was not aware that petunias could be used as cut flowers, will try that after our heat wave! Thanks and have a great day!

  3. Hi Diann, just when you think there is nothing to write....lots of lovely things. I have a slow start too esp. loved after the workworld. Hubby still likes his paper paper so coffee, breakfast and that is our start. I love the randomness of seeing a pink balloon. Surely good things will follow! Thanks for sharing the book...will also look it up.

  4. You had a lot to write about for having a quiet week! I enjoyed it as always. You are really good at this. :)
    What is the name of cherry tomato? Is it a Sungold?

  5. Love the pink balloon! So randomly wonderful! And also the book suggestion. I haven't read wonder but was just thinking about getting some more books for my partners granddaughter. She's a voracious reader but is only going into second grade. Do you think Wonder would be appropriate or maybe not quite yet?

  6. I love the pink balloons. A very fun find. The rest of your list is fun too. Stay cool, the warm weather is probably here for a bit.

  7. What fun with the balloons! Oh! cherry tomatoes! yum.

  8. What a sweet balloon clear out of the blue. I like my digital news so I don't have to recycle the newspaper anymore- one less thing. I also need to check out the 365 days book. Thanks. mary in Az

  9. How interesting to find those pink balloons! I wonder if they were deflated just enough to not burst on the grass? Great picture! We've several grape tomato plants and have had many tomatoes - which my grandkids love to pick and eat right away! I just ordered 365 Days of Wonder and will be going to our local used book store for Wonder! Thank you for reminding me that I've been wanting to read Palacio's book! How I wish my petunias would survive in our Southern NM heat and under my hand.... :) Take good care and thank you for sharing!
