Sunday, June 18, 2017

X's and O's and a few scraps, too!

I finished up my X's and O's table runner last night.  I ended up using all of the stitch and flip corner squares that I made, 18 of them, and making a large rectangle.  It fits my dining room table really well.

I also like it outside on the table on our deck!

Kona Creamsicle (Doesn't that make you think summer?!) turned out to be a good color for the backing and binding.  I quilted it with horizontal curvy lines.

There were a whole bunch of bonus triangles left over from these blocks, so I sewed them into HSTs this week, and have been trimming them to 1.75 inches.  Tiny!  I don't know yet what I will do with them, but we need some new coasters for the table where we have coffee every morning, so I think that's where these will end up.

And speaking of tiny!  I, too, got hooked into trying the Temecula Quilt Company's Marvelous Monday Mini blocks.  I thought, Why not!  It's only scraps, after all!  Lol! 

My plan for these is to keep to an orange, turquoise, light blue, and lime green color scheme.  
We'll see what happens!

Sharing today at Oh Scrap! at Quilting is More Fun than Housework!


  1. Those Monday minis are fun, aren't they?
    Your table runner looks terrific, and the coordinating coasters are going to be the perfect addition. (I should follow your good example and actually finish something...)

  2. Love the new table runner-so cheery for summer!

  3. You sure are doing a great job turning some of your scraps and leftovers into pretty projects. I really like how your table runner turned out. Thanks for sharing it with Oh Scrap!

  4. The table runner is gorgeous! I would wear it - lol!

  5. yes we use up little bitty scraps that might be tossed otherwise right!

  6. Nope...not falling for those itty bitties! But I fell in love with your table runner! I like that creamsicle color too so thanks for pointing out what color that happened to be. Someday when I start keeping my table top cleared I'll make table runners.

  7. lovely table runner another thing on my to do list! Those HSTs are so tiny and the blocks you have made too liking the colour scheme you are working with for them

  8. Love it, creamsickle is so much better than just saying peach, lol.

  9. Love it, creamsickle is so much better than just saying peach, lol.

  10. Your table runner looks great, not to sure whether I would ever complete any of those tiny projects though. Thanks for linking to Sew Stitch Snap SHARE.

  11. That is a lovely deck, made prettier by the quilted runner. Lime, orange, turquoise and navy - a bright cheerful color scheme. I am sure it will make something beautiful.

  12. simple designs are sometimes the best, this one is.

  13. Super projects! Nice to do a simple runner that covers the table top.
