Wednesday, May 31, 2017

I Like Thursday #32 - Everyday Miracles

Welcome back for I Like Thursday - the day where we celebrate the everyday miracles in our lives!  Be sure to check out all of the I Like Thursday bloggers over at LeeAnna's blog, Not Afraid of Color.

That phrase "everyday miracles" comes from a book I read this week, which was recommended by Forest Poodles, one of the bloggers who participates in I Like Thursdays.  A Shepherd's View, by James Rebanks, is the most delightful little book!  It has beautiful photographs of a place I've never been, the Lake District in NW England, just beneath Scotland.

When it was recommended last week, I checked to see if it was available at my local library, and since it was, I went and checked it out.  I liked everything about this book - the writing, the pictures, the way the author told us about an ancient way of life and the love these people have for their animals and the land.  

The writer uses the phrase "everyday miracles" to describe watching all of the birds that nest in his family's farmyard and the fields nearby, but I think it could describe so many things, and fits our purpose in celebrating the positive things in our posts every Thursday.  So, here are my "everyday miracles" for the week!

I like the first warm, summery feeling day!

I like freshly brewed ice tea, also the first of the summer!

I like new gardening gloves, something so simple, but so useful!  

I like seeing the possibility of a homegrown salad in my garden - 

lettuce sprouting,
tomatoes and peppers in pots,
and a couple of mystery plants that came up voluntarily!  Any ideas??? Maybe they are zucchini?
And, as a quilter, I like a new pile of fabric!

These are some fat quarters I got at a quilt shop in Charleston, SC, on our May trip there.  They are from the new line called Charleston, by Amy Sinibaldi, and they are so lovely!  I'm still mulling over what I will do with them, but it will probably be some kind of table topper or wall-hanging to commemorate our trip.  I really like the "mulling" part, and it will be fun to come up with a design to show these fabrics off!
Happy Thursday, friends!  Hope you are enjoying the week!


  1. I bought two new pairs of gloves today and forgot to put them on before I started to dig! I did manage to get one bed planted.

  2. Perfect reminders of the little joys of early summer. There is so much to appreciate, especially before heat starts making us long for fall.

  3. Right now those mystery plants look like cucumbers to me. Maybe mine went to your garden as they aren't coming up here yet!!

  4. I was nodding my head all through your post - I love the same things. I am going to find our local library (I haven't even looked yet and moved here last summer!) and see if they have that book. I am so drawn to anything UK-related. :)

  5. I also like new gloves for the garden! You can grow lettuce? It's so difficult here. That would be so nice to pick from the garden. I'll have to check out the book. Thanks. Enjoy your day! mary in Az.

  6. I really like the mug rugs under your ice tea. :-) And I understand your mulling with the fat quarters!

  7. I agree with Vicki, your mystery plants are cucurbits, i.e. either cucumbers, zucchini or squash. Did you plant something there? I'll have to check the library for that book. We need all the "everyday miracles" we can get.

  8. reminds me must buy some new gloves mine are warn out! Lots of likes here the Lake District is certainly very beautiful but unfortunately seems to rain a lot too maybe that is why it is so beautiful like Ireland

  9. Your scrap stars quilt looks amazing and you look like you have such a neat and tidy work space...mine is embarrassing actually. That book sounds lovely and I want to use that phrase too...everyday miracles because I do believe that is what nature really is. Lovely new fabrics and gardening gloves. Glad you have real heat; we are still unseasonably cool but I am in the garden anyway coaxing all the growing things to stay with me! It will be warm soon.
