Wednesday, April 12, 2017

I Like Thursday #26 - Shapes

One day last week, I went for a walk at my favorite spot, and started paying attention to the shapes I was seeing.

I liked this bench - whoever was commissioned to make it for this natural area had the right idea!

I liked these leaves (or maybe an open seed pod?) from last year - looking at them, I wondered how I would recreate that shape with fabric.  That would be a good challenge for me!

I liked these new emerging leaves - they have a circular shape.  I love the spring green colors of all the new leaves we're starting to see around here!

At home, Mike was mowing the lawn for the first time this spring.  I like the long, rectangular shapes he made this time.  I also like the smell of freshly mowed grass!

My tulips bloomed, and I like the cup-like shape they formed.  They are a pretty variegated yellow-y/orange, which I also like.

The birds have been liking our bird bath recently!  This was the scene Sunday afternoon - lots of robins and cedar waxwings coming and going.  It was a bird party!

Hope you're finding many things to like about the emerging Spring where you live!  I'm joining the I Like blog hop over at LeeAnna's place, Not Afraid of Color, and you're invited, too!


  1. The bench is really nice, what a great place to sit and contemplate!
    I love watching the robins in the morning after it has rained a little. They are out in my field bobbing for worms, hundred of them at a time some mornings! I want to pt out a birdbath or two, but can't until I have fenced off a protion of the property for my horses. They knocked over my birdbath and I don't want to take a chance on them breaking it.
    Your tulips are such pretty colors! Mine have not bloomed yet. They are saying at the tulip farms to the east of me it is because of the extra rain we are getting this year. I've forgotten what colors I have out there! My daffodils are all blooming though.

  2. Sorry about my spelling, etc. It's late and I'm tired!

  3. since I started quilting I find myself looking at shapes and noticing things I had not seen before. Like you I have a garden of tulips at the moment, must think abut lifting and replanting the bulbs this year as there are as many as 12 in a clump that started out with just 3 bulbs

  4. I love cedar waxwings, too. I like the way you caught one on its landing pattern.

  5. There are interesting patterns in nature all over, aren't there!

  6. Yes keep those bird pictures coming! We very seldom have cedar waxwings but when we do it is a treasure. My daffy's are blooming and I noticed how green the grass was yesterday after a bit of rain. Leaves are popping on the lilac bush as well as small leaf buds are happening on the trees. It is so much fun watching things emerge a little more each day.

  7. now I know the birds I'm seeing and hearing. Those are the warblers I hear I think. Loud! Singing out! Your photo is so dynamic. Now capturing that movement in a quilt or drawing would be a feat! I feel the movement I see. Great post!

  8. One of these years I must try planting bulbs! Yours are lovely. I too love the smell of freshly mowed grass. That bench is just lovely. I find myself appreciating shapes more since I started quilting too. mary in Az

  9. I enjoyed your theme this week!

  10. I really like that bench. Very cool. Oh and the green! Our trees are just starting to bud. But I love to see your green.

  11. What a great post! Love all the patterns you found! That bench is fantastic!!!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  12. Enjoyed your impressions! You have such a beautiful area to walk and savor. :)

  13. Love the idea you took of finding shapes of interest all around us. I also think how this could work in a quilt when I notice a design or patterning somewhere. Your blooms are so delicately pretty and what lucky birds to have their own bath.
    How'a the improv coming along?

  14. Lots of fun things in this post. Do you think the birds have their own version of "water cooler" gossip?

  15. Your birds in the bird bath are so pretty. And I love all your pictures of cool shapes. There's so much quilty inspiration there!
