Sunday, April 2, 2017

I Like Thursday #25 - This, that, and a few other things

Welcome to I Like Thursday, a weekly blog hop sponsored by LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color!  I'm always on the lookout for things I like to share with you, and to promote thinking positively about life and our world.

I like seeing the world around me green up in spring!  We have a beautiful flowering crab apple tree in our backyard (called a Spring Snow Crab), and I have been anxiously waiting to see its blooms.  Unfortunately, the buds haven't opened all the way yet, but all over our town there are other pretty trees that I am really enjoying.  I saw this one at our bank while going through the drive-thru today.

I like a little bit of spring snow.  Colorado has had a really dry winter, so the moisture we've gotten the last few weeks has been very welcome.  Here are the views from our windows yesterday.  I did end up covering all my daffodils and tulips - I was afraid they might freeze!

I like my little pincushion collection!  Some of them I've made myself, and some are gifts from friends.

The latest addition to my collection is this adorable piece of pie, made by LeeAnna, and gifted to me when we met up last week.  So cute!  Thanks, LeeAnna!

I really like our membership to Netflix.  We've found lots of good shows to watch, and our latest favorite is "Call the Midwife."  These women are midwives in a poorer section of London, set in the 1950s.   One of the things I enjoy about this show is that there is no "girl drama" in the story lines.  These women live together, work together, and genuinely care about each other.  Plus they make a difference in the lives of all the women around them. Reminds me of many women I know!

I like experimenting with fabric!  This week's prompt for the Play Improv QAL at Elm Street Quilts is to create letters, which is definitely something I've never done before.  But, I gave it a try - and letters formed! This required some "brain work!"  What shapes form the letters that we've been able to recognize since we were little?!

One thing to share that I (or maybe I should say "we") didn't like this week, was a pizza crust made out of shredded cauliflower.  (Sounds a bit weird, but there really is a recipe for it out there!)  You know that my hubby and I have been on a quest to replace some of the carb foods we love with vegetables, right?  Well, this was the most recent try.

It actually looks good in the picture, but the flavors didn't really work for us.  I guess you never know until you try though!

Have a wonderful day, friends!  For more I Like Thursday posts, check out Not Afraid of Color every Thursday!


  1. Hi Diann, what a great assortment of Likes. I loved each and every one. I love your 'word' you made and Call the Midwife was one of our favourite series on Netflix..we don't have Cable, just Netflix and Acorn. A gifted pin cushion is a treasure. And we actually liked cauliflower pizza!!! In fact I shared the Cauliflower Mac and Cheese I made that we also liked. I'm so with you in trying to cut the carbs a bit.

  2. ALWAYS on a search to replace beloved carbs. Sometimes it's a texture thing tho isn't it? Midwife just started a new season on PBS, only shown one episode so far. I read the books too, so well written. I've been meaning to do words like that too, was it fun? Looks like it will be once the method becomes second nature to you. Great collection of pin cushions. I like that flower-ful one lots!

  3. What a coincidence- I just made my first letters using yellow ribbon on a quilt tote I made last week. I just laid them out and started sewing on them with the machine. So fun and much easier than I anticipated. I also saw that cauliflower crust but didn't try it. Thanks for the test! My favorite cushion is the pie! so cute. Have a great day-hope your flowers made it from the snow.

  4. I have heard so many people recommend Call the Widwife that I'm starting to feel out of the loop! I better give it a go! Happy Thursday!

  5. Yay for Call the Midwife. New season starts soon here. That pizza looks good - I've heard of using cauliflower for crust. Substitutions like that can be hard, especially for bread. There's such an expectation for texture. That pie is really cute!

  6. You have such weather diversity in CO! :) Love your pincushions. I always look forward to these posts.
