Wednesday, March 1, 2017

I Like Thursday - the Twentieth One!

When I checked my posting list and saw that this would be my 20th I Like Thursday post, I could hardly believe it!  That is about 5 months of writing these posts every week, looking for the positive things, people, places, and events in my world that I like!  Writing these posts has become a weekly ritual, and introduced me to a new group of bloggers who also post their likes on Thursday, all through LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color.  Thanks for the inspiration, LeeAnna!

I like -

signs of Spring!  My crocuses are blooming!

And the daffodil bulbs I planted last fall are sending up their sprouts!

We have to wait a little longer in Colorado for things to come up and start blooming, but I am excited just to see the hints of Spring on its way!

I like - 

new gadgets!  This is a weather station that my hubby bought about a week ago.  It tells us all kinds of info, and of course we spend lots of time looking at it and checking what it says.  The thing that fascinates us the most is the wind speed.  Out in our yard, there is now a little device that gathers all the measurements and sends them to our display here.  An anemometer attached to it measures the wind speed.  We have fun looking out at the anemometer to see if it's spinning, and then checking the display to see what the wind speed is.  So far, the highest has been 16 mph.  I'm sure it will go higher, especially now that it's March!

Another gadget I like is my Fitbit Zip.  I wear it every day on my waistband, and it counts my steps.  It's like a personal challenge to myself to make sure I keep moving!

About once a week, I sync it up to my Nook tablet, and it records all of my steps so I can see how I've been doing.  The goal is at least 10,000 steps, which I make many days, but not always.  And now and then, I go way above 10,000, so that's a good feeling!

Here was Monday's total!

And I like - 

the community of readers that I experience in so many forms.  Friends here in town and friends online who recommend books.   Thanks to this community, I never run out of books to read!  Look what I just picked up from the Reserved shelf at my local library this afternoon!

I'm going to brew myself a cup of tea, and go get started reading!

Happy Thursday, everyone!  Don't forget to check out LeeAnna's I like Thursday post (see the link above) for more fun and interesting likes!


  1. Our peonies are barely peaking through, which is a bad thing. I am in Michigan and we have had unusually warm weather, so the plants are all confused. I a sure we will have a March winter and crush anything that has peaked out to early. I to have a fitbit and use it to keep me moving. Last year was great well over 1900 miles, which is more than 2015. So I am moving more each year. Keep up the good work .

  2. We've had such a warm winter, the daffodils are almost bloomed out. The Lenton roses started blooming right on time last week. The few times I've hit 10K steps have been at quilt retreats! I make myself get up to use the iron and cutting tables.

  3. My daffy's have been up for over 2 weeks already! Crazy early I think for MN. But hey I am ready for spring!! There is still snow on the ground, but if it hits 50 this weekend it should be gone again.

  4. Yeh for spring!! I love that weather gadget, we are addicted to keeping an eye on the conditions here (goes with being gardeners I guess), it looks like a neat thing to to tell hubby about it! Happy Thursday!

  5. Congrats on your 10,000 steps. I accomplished that a few years ago and was surprised but pleased how well I did! Not so much now since I've been quilting. I do try to walk each day in the neighborhood to keep a balance. We're gonna be 80 degrees today. Way too early for us. Oh well. Enjoy your day. mary in AZ

  6. I wonder how many steps I do when I walk 2-3 miles twice a day?? Anyway our wind is strong enough to ben oak trees almost in half. It's scary to walk under them. I'm reading #8 in the teahouse mysteries right now!!! Love them, and Eliza is also reading them so we're a little circle... discuss!

  7. When you finish the tea shop mystery, get the Cackleberry Club mystery series, also by Laura Childs. It starts with Eggs in Purgatory, wonderful series! Three middle aged women own a cafe in an old train station, with a book store and a knitting/quilting store on the side. Great cozy reads.

  8. We have a similar weather station. It is a fun to see how cold it got at night or what the humidity is. I hope you're enjoying that book! I'm on the third one now.

  9. I'm having as much fun as you on these Thursday posts! I'm so happy for you that your bulbs are coming up - so exciting!
    Of course I perked up at the weather station. Was the setup complicated? Do you have to set it up in the shade? Was it the AcuRite 01604 Pro Digital Weather Station? (I looked up AcuRite on Amazon and looked for a similar picture to yours).

  10. Death by Darjeeling is still on my to-read list. Got to make it through some other series, first.

    I just got a little fit-bit like that, too. I love that it counts dancing better than my other pedometers. 10k a day is great!

  11. I just finished The Agony of the Leaves (#13) by Laura Childs. Only four more and I will be caught up. I'm in the middle of a 2 month trip to FL, so I don't know the status of my plants and bulbs, but our winter has been so up and down that I wouldn't be surprised if things are farther along than they should be.

  12. I saw my crocuses last night, a white on and a yellow one! Then today I found a brand new (to me) gorgeous purple iris fully bloomed! I don't know how I missed that! It's so pretty!
    I'm getting a fit bit through Weight Watchers. They are offering one free for paying for a 6 month membership. I've already lost over 27 pounds since December with them. So this will just be even more incentive to exercise!

  13. I love spring flowers, they bring so much hope for a wonderful year. `in my garden the snowdrops are blooming, my favourite flowers. Funny, I just found out what a Ftbit is this week, sounds good, but will it end up being just another gadget? I'll have to check the book out, I recently finished a Ken Follett, World Without End I can recommend that one,

  14. What a fun post to read. I always enjoy your "I Like" posts.
