Sunday, January 29, 2017

A Hodgepodge Quilt

My husband walked into my sewing room the other day and asked what I was working on.  I told him I was sewing together a hodgepodge of blocks to make "something."  So that's what I'm calling this quilt!  The Hodgepodge Quilt.

Inspired by Cynthia, and her quest to make orphan blocks into scrappy quilts the last few weeks, I decided to pull out some orphan blocks of my own and see what I could come up with.  Last year, for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, I stitched up a bunch of Double Four Patch blocks using 2 1/2 inch squares and 4 inch squares.

I really struggled with what to do with these blocks, and tried lots of different layouts, but never really found anything I was happy with, and ended up just putting the blocks away again each time.

After reading some of Cynthia's posts about her orphan blocks, I got my pile out and sorted these blocks into warm and cool colors.  I decided to keep working with the cool colors, and set the warm colors aside.

Earlier this week,  I put these blocks up on my design wall.  I also added some 8 1/2 inch squares of light blue Pearl Bracelets, to make the layout 4 x 5.

So far, this measured only about 32 x 40, and I knew that just wouldn't be big enough for anyone to get any use out of.   So then I thought about my big collection of orange peel blocks, and wondered if they could become a border for this set of center blocks.

This was starting to look like something!  What about adding some sashing to that left side and bottom?


Trying not to overthink this whole project, I just started sewing, with the 4 patch blocks first, and then the orange peel borders.

Now it looks like I will just need to add something in that one empty space on the left.  A chunk of navy blue, perhaps?

I'm just going to keep stitching, and I'll show you how it all ends up next week!  Meanwhile, I'm linking up with Oh Scrap! at Cynthia's blog, Quilting is More Fun than Housework.


  1. I like where that is going. I, too, was inspired by Cynthia's quilts and hope to play with my "parts department" soon.

  2. Don't you just love it when you find a project to use up your blocks! It's looking great!

  3. What a marvelous way to fill in, and create an asymmetrical accent. Wonderful!

  4. Oh! Nice! I like what you are showing. The leaves are an excellent addition to the blocks. They add movement to the 9-patch blocks. Isn't Cynthia awesome? She makes it look so simple. I get inspired by her method of using orphan blocks. You are on your way to a great little quilt. ;^)

  5. This is looking great so far...the orange peel blocks are providing a marvelous accent!

  6. Oh!! That is going to be SEW lovely!! I love that blue/green color scheme... the only thing missing (IMO) is a dash of purple!

  7. What a fun evolution. Looks totally planned by the way.

  8. Look how cute that little quilt is! Great job getting those blocks out and using them. The orange peel border is perfect! Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  9. I love the last photo! Looks really beautiful! x Teje

  10. Wow! It really transformed when you put the cool colors together. I love what you are doing with it. Very encouraging!!!

  11. Goodness, this is looking wonderful! Your 'orange peel' blocks make a great border!

  12. You really transformed those orphans. Good for you! Nice job. I really like the addition of the peels.

  13. Genius on the peels! It is really looking beautiful.

  14. The orange peels are a perfect choice!
    But I think it's too pretty to call it just 'hodgepodge'...

  15. Love the orange peel border! It is the perfect complement to your quilt center!

  16. Amazing how it changed after you added the orange peels. I think you should border all around with the navy and then the orange peels, but then perhaps you'd have to make more peels? It is amazing how putting several different blocks together can look so good!

  17. This is looking lovely. I like the 4-patch blocks and the squares. The orange peels are beautiful. I am not sure I would use them together. In any case, the colors are just perfect and I am sure the quilt will be too.

  18. Waste not, want not. Such a good saying for this quilt! It's turning out to be amazing!

  19. "Trying not to overthink" is hard to do with a spare parts quilt. Yours looks great! But I'll bet you discovered that you still have dozens of spare parts in the box.

  20. How fun! The Orange Peel border is definitely inspired. Congrats on a very cool orphan block quilt. Love the name too, it's perfect!

  21. Love the border! Makes it all the more fun in feel.
