Saturday, October 15, 2016

Quilty Orphan Adoption Update

As a newbie to the Quilty Orphan Adoption event this year, sponsored by our scrappy fearless leader, Cynthia, at Quilting is More Fun than Housework, I was the lucky recipient of TWO sets of fabric!  I posted about the beautiful 3 inch squares of fall fabric and the little pillow I made out of a few of them back in September.  But there are a ton more of these little squares, and I found the perfect project for them this week!

Carole, over at From My Carolina Home, is holding a month-long celebration of all things Fall over on her blog, called Autumn Jubilee.  Carole posts about all kinds of crafty things, but of course, I am participating in her Autumn Jublilee QAL, where we are making Maple Leaf  and Pumpkin blocks in various numbers so that we can make a mini quilt, or table-topper, or whatever our hearts desire, I'm sure!

I've made four maple leaves and a pumpkin, so far:

These are perfect for my fall 3 inch squares!  I even made the pumpkin out of them, since my orange stash didn't really have the right color for a pumpkin!  I had in mind that I would make a table topper out of these, but that may need more blocks, so I'm still thinking about what will happen next with these blocks.

The second project I have been gifted with through the Quilty Orphan Adoption came from Susan at Mrs. Pepper.  This fabric is going to make a sweet little mini quilt that I am planning to donate to a local charity called the B.A.B.Y. Foundation for their silent auction in the spring.  This will be my third year donating a small quilt to this organization.

Susan sent me a lovely package with all the pieces and parts cut out to make this fun quilt:

Although she didn't send me the directions for the quilt (because they are in a book she owns), it was easy to figure out based on a picture from her blog, and a little internet sleuthing!

I think I've got it right!

These blocks are great for a leaders and enders project, so I have all the pieces matched up and ready to go whenever there's a place to stick them in.  It is wonderful to have a project to work on that requires no cutting, and all the pieces (including borders and backing) are ready to go!

There is something very exhilarating about giving away an unwanted project to someone who wants to make something out of it, and in turn, receiving someone else's unwanted project!  Who knew it would be so fun?!

I'll be linking up with Oh Scrap! over at Quilting is More Fun than Housework tomorrow to see what other quilters have been up to this week.  But, for now, I'm back at the sewing machine, stitching up more maple leaves, pumpkins, McGuffey blocks, and who knows what else!


  1. Thank you for showing my quilt along, your blocks are my favorite colorway!! Great leader ender project.

  2. Fun projects! I love your leafy pumpkin. How cool to see someone's unwanted project find new life.

  3. Yay for giving those old WIPs some love. All of your projects are going to be beautiful. Thanks for sharing them with Oh Scrap!

  4. You've done well with your adoptions! Maybe there's something to the adage "the grass is always greener on the other side ..." Other people's fabric is nearly always more intriguing than our own!

  5. They are both going to be gorgeous fall projects! You got some nice orphans there!

  6. I'm participating in the QAL as well. Your blocks are beautiful. I don't think I could do the adoption thing because I think it would be difficult to work on something unless I LOVED it!! LOL

  7. I like the pattern for your charity quilt, it's going to look great! Someone else's stash is always tempting, great that you can revive these WiPs!

  8. Wow, I'm so happy to see that McGuffey quilt coming together so nicely! It looks lovely! Thank you for adopting it for such a good purpose!

    Susan (Mrs. Pepper)

  9. Isn't it fun to figure out a pattern?! I love, love, love your maple leaves.

  10. Such pretty autumn fabrics in your leaves and pumpkin.
