Sunday, October 30, 2016


No, I don't mean the "One Monthly Goal" Link-up that many bloggers are participating in.  I mean this...

This is my cutting table!  Earlier this week it was such a mess!  How many different projects can one person have going at a time?  An infinite number, it appears!

There was this lovely bundle of low volume scraps that I received from a giveaway over at Quilty Therapy -

which turned into this fun pile of scrappy goodness!  Thanks, Tisha!

I also had been cutting up a charm pack of  North Woods by Kate Spain into 2 1/2" squares so that I could participate in the Charming Plus QAL that Tisha is hosting.

Then there are the wool scraps I didn't remember that I had!  I pulled them out to work on a penny rug hand stitching project.  I've been joining in with the Autumn Jubilee series hosted by Carole at From My Carolina Home.

They are turning into this - which I'll be working on this afternoon for a little Slow Stitching Sunday time!

I hadn't even put away my Halloween fabric from other projects finished earlier this month!

They are definitely put away now, and some cleaning and straightening up has happened.  But there probably needs to be more... 

I did make progress on one big thing that had been lurking in the background.  That is getting my Nighttime Blossoms quilt basted and the quilting begun.  Hooray for that!  

I'll be working on that some more today, too!  Plus I'll be spending a little time checking out the other scrappy projects linked-up to Oh Scrap! at Quilting is More Fun than Housework.  


  1. I envy your "mess"! :) All of your projects look like such fun. Congrats on the low volume scraps win!

  2. Hurray for multiple projects! I love having something for every mood!
    All your projects look terrific, and I'm looking forward especially to seeing your finished Blossoms!

  3. It would be hard to clean all that up, I'd get so distracted playing with all those fun scraps.

  4. I use to think I was a one project girl...after time multiple projects happen! You on the other hand, have so many! I don't now how you do it! But it sure looks like fun!

  5. I can never stick to just one project at a time. Working like this really does create a bit of a mess...but for me it is a happy mess! Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

  6. You definitely have your work cut out for you today! Happy Stitchin'. We don't get bored when we have several projects going at once for sure, LOL

  7. I'm so happy to know that I am not the only one with a pile of projects going on, and on, and on...I really need to clean up my mess on my cutting table. Maybe I will be able to get my thoughts together and finish some of my WIP's.

  8. Can't wait to see what you make of the scrap bundle.

  9. Lots happening, looks wonderful, mess & all!

  10. Love your little wool mat. I love seeing all your scraps of fabric. I love scraps.

  11. You have to have more than one thing on the go, I always think. And it seems you have quite a variety there too. Congratulations on your win - that is always a thrill.

  12. I think we are all guilty of too mnay projects on the go, when I did embroidery I only ever worked on one at a time but these days that has gone out of the window! Lots of scraps you have there love scrappy.

  13. Oh yes... an infinite number of projects it the best!
    Enjoy your stitching!

  14. Pretty pile ♥ Happy Monday♥

  15. I see no mess. Honestly, mine is worse with just two projects. In any case, I prefer creative mess to sanitized wilderness. Love the owl basket :-)

  16. Oh my, the number of projects you’ve got going makes my head spin! (I should be used to that by now, LOL!) But it keeps us busy and creative, and that is the fun of it! xo

  17. Some interesting things happening at your place.
