Friday, September 9, 2016


September is really my favorite month!  I love that the weather is becoming a bit cooler, the leaves are beginning to change colors, and that school is starting.  Well, that last one, not so much anymore, but we retired teachers don't really ever lose that "back to school" feeling!

So, I especially love having the opportunity to sew with the September colors of dark red and gold for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.

At the beginning of every month, I really enjoy going through my scraps and stash and pulling fabrics that might be useful for that month's blocks.

Here are a couple of monkey blocks for September - always fun to make!

Sometimes it's fun to do a little fussy cutting for those 1 inch centers!  

Edited to add: Oops!  It wasn't until I actually published this post and looked at it later on my iPad that I realized the ABC monkey was not behaving!  So I got out the seam ripper, took it apart, and made it all better!  Can you tell what had to be fixed?

I also got a start this week on some 16 patch blocks - 

My plan to make 6 blocks every month will result in 60 completed blocks for this quilt, but I think I really need 63 to make a quilt that is 7 x 9 blocks.  That means it's time to start looking at what colors I might need more of to make a nice balance for the finished quilt.

I've made some blocks that actually read as red or yellow in other months - so I got them out to see how they were looking together.

That will be something to keep thinking about this month.

This was my fabric find of the week - moose and pinecones!  I've had this fat quarter for a long time, but never a place to use it.  It seems perfect for this month's blocks!

Hope you are having a lovely September!  I'm looking forward to seeing what the other RSC quilters have been up to this week at tomorrow's Scrap Happy Saturday link-up with Angela at SoScrappy!


  1. Your blocks look great! Thanks for sharing them!

  2. Love the moose and pine cones! The fall colors look beautiful.

  3. Getting closer to a finish. I love it when all those rainbow colors start coming together and a quilt is in sight.

  4. I too love to "shop" in my stash when the colour of the month is announced. It's a very pleasant task. Your blocks all look so lovely. I knew there was something amiss in the monkey picture but couldn't figure out what. I decided it was probably just because it was much darker than the other one. lol. Wonder how many would have caught that one? Love the moose too. ;^)

  5. Looks like you made a lot of progress. Your blocks all look great!

  6. Wow! You got through quite a few of those scraps this week. Nice work!!

  7. Wow, Diann! You've been busting scraps like a champ this month! Great blocks!! I love September, too, but October even more. It's just these achy bones that are complaining a bit, LOL!!

  8. Never thought about marigolds being the colors for the month.

  9. I had to go back and really look to see what you had to change! Good catch - so funny we tend to see it in photo's but not in 'real life'. Love your moose fabric.

  10. Pretty blocks. Your beautiful marigolds are the perfect inspiration for this months colors ... :) Pat

  11. I warned you those monkeys will get up to mischief... 8)
    You've got lots of pretty going on right here! It's going to be fun seeing you put your lovely blocks together into a top!

  12. I wonder how that first monkey is feeling about having to show off a moose every day. At least it is only one tiny moose, not a herd of moose. Is it a herd, is it mooses? Have fun with those fabrics!

  13. I look forward to cooler weather too! I did notice the monkey, but I've noticed on my own work I often don't catch an oops until I'm putting a picture on my blog!

  14. Monkeys and moose! Looks like you're gonna have your own zoo before long!!

  15. What great colors and blocks! I think I have the moose and pine cones fabric. Now I will tear apart my sewing room looking for it.

  16. I love seeing what comes out of scraps. I had to chuckle to myself as I am going into spring and so looking forward to warmer weather after our very wet winter.
