Friday, July 1, 2016

Back in my sewing room...

After arriving home from a lovely long weekend with my college roommates,

(Here we are!)

I picked up my Janome from the "spa."  It didn't take long to realize that she really needed and enjoyed her time there!  I didn't know that the way she sounded before the tune-up was NOT the way she was supposed to sound!  Now she is just purring away, and I have been enjoying stitching with her more than ever.  I guess I should take better care of her, considering how hard she works for me!

While waiting to find out what the July colors would be for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, I pulled out some blocks I haven't worked on in awhile, the Double Four Patches.  I caught up on some orange, green, and turquoise four patches with lights and darks and then laid them out with the other blocks I've made this year. There are now 30 all together.

I can't quite decide what I think about these four patches all laid out together!  They are a bit of a scrappy mess, without much organization other than the block itself.  I keep waiting for the perfect layout to reveal itself to me.  Or maybe I will just finish this quilt up and find a good home for it!  :)

And now it's July, and time for new colors for our RSC projects, specifically watermelon!  

Sounds like fun to me!  Watermelon is one of my favorite fruits this time of year, so sewing with those yummy colors will be pure pleasure!  Of course, I had to head right down to my sewing room and start looking through the scraps and stash.  I pulled out just enough to make a little Watermelon Monkey!

I think he looks very sweet!  :)

What sewing have you been up to this week?  Looking forward to checking out all the rainbow scrappy goodness at ScrapHappy Saturday!


  1. Glad your Janome is back and running well - I was without mine for a month over Christmas and it does really make a difference when it purrs! I love your fruity watermelon block!

  2. Your first July block is delicious -- I don't have a lot of "hot" pink (used it all in a baby quilt last year). I do have some lime greens to mix with my not-so-hot pinks, though.

  3. Welcome home again! Your blocks remind me of a quilt I made about 5 years ago called hopscotch. I thought the blocks were a huge mess of color until I set them on point with big blue setting triangles and a wide border. It seemed to calm everything down a bit and tie it together.
    Love the watermelon monkey.

  4. Yes, thid little one is very sweet - sooooo cute! Love the scraps you picked for it. Great picture with your college friends. It seems you all had a time together.

  5. A Double (or triple) Four Patch has long been on my To Do List. Your blocks look GREAT!! Thanks for posting the updated roomie pic. Were you all positioned the same as "back then"?? I bet you had an AMAZING visit (and your machine enjoyed its spa treatment, too!)

  6. You are quick! I love your little watermelon monkey block!

  7. After a great time you get to come home to a happy machine and colors you love. What could be better? Being the first one to turn out a July project probably.

  8. That's a very cute block, and a great roommate photo too.

  9. A lovely start to the month with your little monkey!

  10. What a great way to start your watermelon month.

  11. A very fun start to this month of pink scraps.
