Sunday, March 27, 2016

Itsy Bitsy!

This week I've been working on a birthday present for a special friend.  I can't post about it just yet because she reads my blog once in awhile, but here is a bit of a hint.

I purchased four fat quarters of this beautiful fabric during my New York trip last fall.  After reading the one selvage that was included, and doing a little detective work, it looks like they are from a line of fabric called Woodlands, by Jo Morton for Andover Fabrics.

The pattern I'm making required a bunch of HSTs and I always make them bigger than I need, and then trim them down.  I ended up with a pile of little bits and pieces that looked like this.

Among them were a bunch of bonus HSTs which I decided not to throw away like I usually do!  :)  They were about 1 1/8 inches square!

Then this happened.  A crazy Colorado, spring snowstorm.  If you can't read that yard stick, it says 14 inches!  I was snowed in for the day.  What's a quilter to do?!

Well, make crazy, tiny quilt blocks, of course!

Here is my finished block, at 2 3/8 inches square.

I don't work with fiddly, little pieces that size very much, and ended up deciding four of them was enough!

I put them together into a mini that is now 6 x 6.  Although the blocks above appear to be square, they are not in the finished mini! Fortunately, wonky is "in" these days!  It was quite a challenge to keep everything square, and I didn't really achieve that.  But it is cute as can be, anyway!

Fun to challenge myself with, but I'm happy to get back to bigger projects now!  I'll be linking this project up with Oh Scrap! over at Quilting is More Fun than Housework today.  Looking forward to seeing what everyone else has been up to this week! 


  1. Woohoo! Look at those tiny blocks! Go you!
    I love mini quilts - making them and looking at them. Yours is a real cutie!

  2. Hmmm those FQ fabrics are so yummy. LOVE what you did with the HSTs. What a great idea. Thank you so much Diann for the inspiration. Now I know what to do with my little HSTs from 365 Challenge. Your little mini is just awewome. Congrats on this tiny finish. ;^)

  3. You have a nice little mat for free! That appeals to me to start with. And it's beautiful too. What more could you ask of a snowy spring day?

  4. So very tiny! I thought for sure you were making a pincushion but that little mat turned out cute. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  5. So tiny, and I love it. Mini quilts are the cutest things. And you can finish them so fast.

  6. Mini's are so darn cute, and you have a teeny tiny Mini!! Not sure I would have the patience to do that small of ones. Although I remember doing some small blocks for a Liberty Homestead quilt a long time ago. Is your snow all melted. Ours is mostly.

  7. What a beautiful little mini quilt... I love it! I admire you working with those tiny pieces.... you have kept the blocks a lot straighter than I could! Hope you have had better weather today! Christine x

  8. Such a sweet mini quilt, love those fabrics.

  9. These are equal parts crazy and fantastic!
