Sunday, December 13, 2015

This week in orange peels...

For a retired person, I have had the most hectic week!  We spent three days traveling to have a belated Thanksgiving with our sons, and then I had three days of substitute teaching scheduled.  That kind of thing really cuts into my sewing time!  I did manage to keep up with my Quilty 365 orange peels.

Highlights of the week definitely included finally getting to see my boys for a turkey dinner, our favorite games, and good conversation.

Substitute teaching is nothing like having your own class and getting to know the kids, but it does have its moments!

Here is a note I got from a sweet second grader!

One of the days I was gone teaching, I came home to a lovely care package from my friend, Cyndy, and it included a big pile of her Tula scraps, which I just love.  I had to make an orange peel to celebrate that!

My quilt group met Thursday for our annual Christmas gift exchange, which included much stealing and hilarity!  We were the very definition of jolly that evening!

And, for a good end of the week, my husband and I went to one of our favorite local wineries for some wine tasting.  One of our favorite things to do!

Yesterday I was able to spend quite a bit of time on my Scrap Vortex top, and it's ALMOST DONE!  Yay! Hoping to post about that this coming week!  

Linking up to Oh Scrap! at Quilting is More Fun than Housework.  Go check out all the scrappy goodness!


  1. Your scrappy orange peels are looking great, I love the low volume backgrounds! This is going to be very special when all 365 are done... lots of events/memories stitched in together!

  2. Your orange peel quilt is going to be so much fun! I am happy to be a small part of its memories.

  3. I love your orange peels - terrific interpretation of Quilty 365. (Hmmm... I've been planning to join in, and I've been wanting to do an orange peel quilt... hmmm...)

  4. Each orange peel is the perfect representation of your activities! By the way, I just got back from delivering quilts to the smaller nursing home and the residents were so excited to receive them. They even had Santa there to help give them out! :0) Thank you for your support!

  5. I love the fussy cuts you have used in your orange peels - looks brilliant already!

  6. The peels are looking lovely. So neat you have found such great fabrics to mark your week.

  7. I can see you are having fun with these orange peels :-)

  8. Glad you got to enjoy a belated Thanksgiving - it sounds like so much fun. Love your orange peels and the stories they tell. :)
