Sunday, September 6, 2015

This week...

Usually, after finishing a bigger quilt project, I spend a few days playing in my stash and trying different things before settling on the next big project, and this week was no exception.  Earlier in the week, I went from adding on to my Scrap Vortex quilt...

To making a couple of blocks for Kat's September Covered in Love block drive...She has a color guide and tutorial for these blocks in that post, so I looked around in my stash and came up with the ones below. Purple is so hard to photograph, but each block does have purple, green (what shade would you call that?), a dark blue, a light blue, and a cream color.

And, finally I decided to get out the Watercolor Bali Pops that I won last spring and get started on "Life is a Highway."

This is a pattern by my friend, Cynthia Brunz, who inspires all of us with her scrappy genius and is available from Craftsy.  Check out her blog, Quilting is More Fun than Housework, for the link to Craftsy.

Life is a Highway Quilt

I am loving this pattern!  It is perfect for a jelly roll and is so fast to cut, lay out, and stitch up that I can see a finished quilt top in my very near future!  (Which is not typical of me as I am a slow stitcher, generally!)

Thursday night:


You can see the top hanging on the chair as it comes together, row by row.

I really like chain piecing, and this pattern works perfectly for that.  To keep track of the order of my rows, I have just been leaving each row attached to the whole bunch, and snipping one off at a time to add on to the quilt top.

I didn't make any progress on it yesterday as we decided we needed to get out of the house, and went wine tasting instead of sewing, but I will be back at it today!

Happy Labor Day weekend to all of you!  I think fall is on its way!

Linking up with Oh Scrap at Cynthia's blog today!


  1. Ah you and I would get along just FINE my friend--leave quilting to go wine tasting?! Yippers! Stitch up a Cynthia design? You betcha! Love the Bali pops. I keep adding pairs to my scrap vortex and have only seen a few pairs to pairs. I like how your is shaping up. ;-)

  2. Definitely a good decision--taking a break for some wine so you won't whine later if you have to rip apart any seams. Scrap vortex looks great. Karen

  3. I agree with Sandra Walker's comment above - yes on the wine tasting!
    Love those block colors - all the blues, purple, and green look really good together. Is that a piece of Honey Honey I see in the middle of one of the blocks?
    I'm so impressed with your fast quilt-making! I saw that pattern of Cynthia's the other day and love the name of it and the look of it. I like to chain piece too. :)

  4. Not ready for fall already! That means winter is coming! (Though winters are nowhere near as bad here as the ones I had in Vermont...)
    All your blocks look like a ton of fun to work on. And for bonus points, they're fun to look at, too!
    Can't wait to see your Highway when it's done.

  5. Your scrap vortex is looking great! Thanks for sharing your Life is a Highway quilt with Oh Scrap! I put my patterns on sale this month so this is the time to buy it :)

  6. Wine tasting sounds fun! Love the bali pops - think this will be really nice!

  7. I love Bali Pops, and that pattern looks perfect with them! Hooray for chain-piecing and wine-tasting. :)

  8. Wonderful choice for those pretty Bali-pops and it's really progressing so nicely!
